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    Page 1OFFICIAL PART- DECREES AND ORDERS -A - GENERAL SCOPEMINISTRY OF THE INTERIORAND DECENTRALIZATIONDec 7 Order n ° 16001 fixing the number of officesregistration of administrative commissionsrevisions of electoral lists ........... 1263B - SPECIAL TEXTSPRIME MINISTER, HEAD OF GOVERNMENT- Nomination................................................ 1265MINISTRY OF THE INTERIORAND DECENTRALIZATION- Decision ................................................ ..... 1265MINISTRY OF MINESAND GEOLOGY- Allocation of operating permits (withdrawal) 1265- Allocation of operating permits ............ 1267- Establishment of procedures for the exercise of services 1270- Authorization to exercise services ........ 1271MINISTRY OF NATIONAL DEFENCE- Appointment ............................................... 1272MINISTRY OF JUSTICE AND HUMAN RIGHTSAND THE PROMOTION OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLES- Nomination................................................ 1976- Change of patronymic name ............ 1977MINISTRY OF EQUIPMENTAND ROAD MAINTENANCE- Nomination................................................ 127862 e YEAR - # 50REPUBLIC OF CONGOUnion Work ProgressThursday, December 17, 2020DESTINATIONSSUBSCRIPTIONSNUMBERAirway exclusively38,400FOREIGN ................................................. ...........................................19,2009,600800 F CFA24,000REPUBLIC OF CONGO ............................................... ...............1 YEAR12,0006 MONTHS6,0003 MONTHS500 F CFAOFFICIAL J OURNALFROM THE REPUBLIC OF CONGOappearing on Thursday of each week in Brazzaville¤ Judicial and legal announcements and various notices: 460 francs per line (it will not be counted less than 5,000 francs per announcement or notice).The announcements must reach the Thursday preceding the publication date of the “JO” at the latest.¤ Land and mining property: 8,400 frs per text.¤ Declaration of association: 15,000 francs per text.DIRECTION: TEL./FAX: (+242) 281.52.42 - PO BOX 2.087 BRAZZAVILLE - Email: [email protected]: cash, postal order, certified check payable in the Republic of the Congo, made payable to the Official Journaland sent to the Directorate of the Official Journal and Documentation.SUMMARYPage 21262Official Journal of the Republic of CongoN ° 50-2020UNOFFICIAL PART- ANNOUNCEMENT -A - Legal notice ........................................ 1278B - Declaration of associations ....................... 1279Page 3From Thursday 17 December 2020Official Journal of the Republic of Congo1263OFFICIAL PART- DECREES AND ORDERS -A - GENERAL SCOPEMINISTRY OF THE INTERIORAND DECENTRALIZATIONOrder n ° 16001 of December 3, 2020fixing the number of registrars ofadministrative committees for the revision of listselectoralThe minister of the Interiorand decentralization,Considering the Constitution;Considering the law n ° 9-2001 of December 10, 2001 on the lawelection amended and supplemented by laws n ° 05-2007of May 25, 2007, n ° 09-2012 of May 23, 2012, n ° 40-20141 st September 2014, No. 01-2016 of 23 January 2016n ° 19-2017 of May 12, 2017 and n ° 50-2020 of September 232020;Considering the decree n ° 2017-373 of August 22, 2017 onappointment of members of the Government;Considering the decree n ° 2017-404 of October 10, 2017 relatingthe powers of the Minister of the Interior anddecentralization,Stopped :Article 1: This decree fixes the numbercommission registrarsadministrative review of electoral lists.Article 2: Each registration office of de-registration, modification, deletionment and de-listing includes:- a chairman: representative of the administration;- a secretary: representative of the administration;- members :- a representative of the parties or groupsmajority policies;- a representative of the parties or groupsopposition policies;- a representative of the parties or groupscenter policies;- a representative of civil society;- four other members chosen from among thedistrict or village leaders, areaor block or barracks, the responsibility ofadministrative commission for the review ofelectoral lists.Article 3: Members of registrarsrequests for registration, modification,deletion or deletion are named byorder of the prefect of the department, according to the tableannexed to this decree.Article 4: This decree will be registered and publishedin the Official Journal of the Republic of Congo.Done in Brazzaville, December 7, 2020Raymond Zéphirin MBOULOUTable annexed to Order No. 16001 ofDecember 7, 2020 setting the numberregistrarsepartment of KouilouDistrict/Borough/CommuneNumber ofofficesrecordingNumber ofcenters ofvoteNumber ofofficesvotingHINDA122429KAKAMOEKA83637LOANGO102834MADINGO-KAYES113946MVOUTI63950NZAMBI52121Total52187217Lékoumou DepartmentDistrict/Borough/CommuneNumber of officesrecordingNumber ofcenters ofvoteNumberofofficesvotingBAMBAMA31113KOMONO62325MAYEYE42525SIBITI (COMMON)41227SIBITI (DISTRICT)53740ZANAGA73238Total29140168Department of Pointe-NoireDistrict/Borough/CommuneNumber ofofficesrecordingNumber ofcenters ofvoteNumberofofficesvotingLUMUMBA233370MVOU-MVOU203144TIE-TIE3923103LOANDJILI2040111MONGO MPOUKOU3444110NGOYO4936287TCHAMBA-NZASSI202427Total205231752Department of BouenzaDistrict/Borough/CommuneNumber ofofficesrecordingNumber ofcenters ofvoteNumberofofficesvotingBOKO-SONGHO32425KAYES51133KINGUA32425LOUDIMA52828MABOMBO33233MADINGOU(COMMON)61718MADINGOU(DISTRICT)61925MFOUATI22839MOUYONDZI83847NKAYI 151634NKAYI 252346TSIAKI222222YAMBA42226Total57304401Page 41264Official Journal of the Republic of CongoN ° 50-2020Niari DepartmentDistrict/Borough/CommuneNumber ofofficesrecordingNumber ofcenters ofvoteNumberofofficesvotingBANDA123740DIVENIA104749KIBANGOU93235KIMONGO46468LONDELA-KAYES43838LOUVAKOU94545MAKABANA52930MAYOKO61717MBINDA399MOSSENDJO(BOROUGHNo. 1)169MOSSENDJO(BOROUGHNo. 2)21011MOUNGOUNDOUNORTH2710MOUNGOUNDOUSOUTH21516MOUTAMBA22929NYANGA63030YAYA31821DOLISIA(BOROUGHNo. 1)162157DOLISIA(BOROUGHNo. 2)142452Total110478566Pool DepartmentDistrict/Borough/CommuneNumber ofofficesrecordingNumber ofcenters ofvoteNumberofofficesvotingBOKO202828GOMA TSE - TSE44253IGNEOUS56279KIMBA112424KINDAMBA133844LOUINGUI132121LOUMO81428MAYAMA52323MBANDZA-NDOUNGA83235NGABE45257VINZA102929KINKALA(COMMON)91318KINKALA (DISTRICT)57778MINDOULI168691KINTELE122432Total143565640Department of BrazzavilleDistrict/Borough/CommuneNumber ofofficesrecordingNumber ofcenters ofvoteNumber ofoffices ofvoteMAKELEKELE4331108BACONGO151839POTO-POTO2453103MOUNGALI3330103OUENZE414072TALANGAÏ7072232MFILOU2542122MADIBOU361768DJIRI5955112MBAMOU ISLAND102225Total356380984Plateaus DepartmentDistrict/Borough/CommuneNumber ofofficesrecordingNumber ofpolling centersNumberofofficesvotingABALA106466GERMB32930DJAMBALA(COMMON)123031DJAMBALA(DISTRICT)181919LEKANA193535MAKOTIMPOKO147474MBON41013MPOUYA162228NGO105050OLLOMBO187979ONGOGNI123131GAMBOMA25128129Total161571585Cuvette DepartmentDistrict/Borough/CommuneNumber ofofficesrecordingNumber ofcenters ofvoteNumberofofficesvotingBOKOMA21012BOUNDJI93857LOUKOLELA44956MAKOUA123857MOSSAKA95475NGOKO31415NTOKOU42020OYO (COMMON)31130OYO (DISTRICT)22929OWANDO(COMMON)103059OWANDO (DISTRICT)107272TCHIKAPIKA33335Total71398517Department of Cuvette-OuestDistrict/Borough/CommuneNumber ofofficesrecordingNumber ofcenters ofvoteNumber ofoffices ofvoteEWO (COMMON)21329EWO (DISTRICT)83538ETOUMBI53235KELLE74447MBAMA52929MBOMO42525OKOYO44040Total35218243Sangha DepartmentDistrict/Borough/CommuneNumber ofofficesrecordingNumber ofpolling centersNumberofofficesvotingKABO81313MOKEKO95357NGBALA61923OUESSO(BOROUGHNo. 1)61722OUESSO(BOROUGHNo. 2)41119FIKOUNDA72424POKOLA(COMMON4516SEMBE83138SOUANKE64344Total58216256Page 5From Thursday 17 December 2020Official Journal of the Republic of Congo1265Likouala DepartmentDistrict/Borough/CommuneNumber ofofficesrecordingNumber ofcenters ofvoteNumber ofoffices ofvoteBETOU95382BOUANELA41423DONGOU84458ENYELLE107091EPENA95656IMPFONDO(COMMON)61346IMPFONDO(DISTRICT)72630LIRANGA54256Total58318442GENERAL TOTAL13354,0065,771B - SPECIAL TEXTSPRIME MINISTER, HEAD OF GOVERNMENTNOMINATIONOrder n ° 15887 of December 3, 2020 . Mr.MACKITA BIVIHOUD ( Noël Fiacre ) is appointed chefdepartmental service (Pool department) inthe central management of housing and buildingsadministrative, with the rank of departmental director.The interested party will receive the indemnities provided for by thetexts in force.This decree repeals all provisionsprior and takes effect from the date oftaking office of the person concerned.MINISTRY OF THE INTERIORAND DECENTRALIZATIONDECISIONOrder No. 15890 of December 3, 2020endorsing the decision to appoint a newpresident at the head of the political party called Unionfor the Popular Movement, "UMP"The minister of the Interiorand decentralization,Considering the Constitution;Considering the law n ° 20-2017 of May 12, 2017 on the laworganic relating to the conditions of creation,existence and the terms of financingpolitical parties ;Considering the decree n ° 2017-373 of August 22, 2017 onappointment of members of the Government;Considering the decree n ° 2017-404 of October 10, 2017 relatingthe powers of the Minister of the Interior anddecentralization;Considering the decree n ° 2018-84 of March 5, 2018 onorganization of the Ministry of the Interior anddecentralization;Considering the decree n ° 18892 of October 15, 2019 concerningcancellation of receipt n ° 401/015 / MID / DGAT /RER / SR of June 4, 2015 issued to the political partycalled Union for the Popular Movement,"UMP";Considering the request of the Union for a MovementPopular, as of November 14, 2020.Stopped :Article 1: The decision toappointment of a new chairman to head thepolitical party called Union for a MovementPopular, "UMP".Article 2: The decision to appoint a newpresident at the head of the Union for a MovementPopular, "UMP" having the effect of regulating theparty situation, gives it the right to be establisheda new receipt.Article 3: Is and remains canceled the receiptn ° 001/015 / MID / DGAT / RER / SR of June 4, 2015.Article 4: Except for a serious and legitimate reason,department prefects and municipal mayorsare required, each as far as he is concerned, not tohindering the exercise of Union activities for aPopular Movement "UMP" on their territoryrespective.Article 5: This decree will be registered and publishedin the Official Journal of the Republic of Congo.Done in Brazzaville, December 3, 2020Raymond Zéphirin MBOULOUMINISTRY OF MINESAND GEOLOGYWITHDRAWAL OF OPERATING PERMITSDecree n ° 2020-643 of November 30, 2020revoking the operating license for iron said"Avima permit", in the department of Sangha,owned by the company Core Mining CongoThe president of the Republic,Considering the Constitution;Considering the law n ° 4-2005 of April 11, 2005 on the codemining;Considering the law n ° 24-2010 of September 30, 2010 fixingthe rates and rules for collecting duties onmining titles;Considering the decree n ° 2007-274 of May 21, 2007 fixingthe conditions for prospecting, research andexploitation of mineral substances and thoseexercise of administrative supervision;Considering the decree n ° 2009-395 of October 13, 2009 relatingthe powers of the Minister of Mines andgeology;Considering decree n ° 2017-371 of August 21, 2017Page 61266Official Journal of the Republic of CongoN ° 50-2020appointing the Prime Minister, Head ofGovernment;Considering the decree n ° 2017-373 of August 22, 2017 onappointment of members of the Government;Having regard to decree n ° 2018-198 of 23 May 2018 onorganization of the Ministry of Mines and Geology;Considering the decree n ° 2018-199 of May 23, 2018 onattributions and organization of the general inspectoratemining and geology;Considering the decree n ° 2018-200 of May 23, 2018 onresponsibilities and organization of general managementgeology and mining cadastre;Considering the decree n ° 2018-201 of May 23, 2018 onresponsibilities and organization of general managementmines ;Having regard to decree n ° 2020-88 of March 27, 2020 onorganization of interim members of theGovernment;On the report of the Minister in charge of mines;In the Council of Ministers,Decrees:Article 1: Is withdrawn for insufficiencyprolonged operation clearly contraryto the potential of the deposit and non-payment ofroyalties prescribed by law, operating licensefor iron known as "Avima permit", in the departmentde la Sangha, awarded to the company Core Mining Congoby decree n ° 2013-46 of February 6, 2013.Article 2: The deposit, subject of the exploitation permitthus withdrawn, falls back into the public domain and maybe the subject of a new allocation.Article 3: This decree, which repeals allprevious provisions to the contrary, in particularthose of Decree No. 2013-46 of 6 February 2013 onallocation to Core Mining Congo of aoperating permit for iron known as the “Avima permit”,in the department of Sangha, will be registered andpublished in the Official Journal of the Republic of Congo.Done in Brazzaville, November 30, 202
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