news article, cyclists' use of helmet cameras

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 84
    This is a news article in relation to the recent video of a female cyclist, allegedly being 'doored' by a passenger alighting from a taxi.

    Cyclists videoing the public and refusing to provide their own details may find themselves in court.

    "she then crossed a very murky line by pursuing Hunt and his companions and continuing to video them
    It is easy to imagine a scenario where a person makes an honest mistake in traffic and an overzealous cyclist and their camera stumbles into a situation someone does not want recorded.

    Millions of people every day visit places they are not meant to be, escorting people they should not, doing things they’d probably not want videoed and then disseminated via the internet.

    These are legitimate privacy concerns, one the rider in this incident obviously fully grasped by declining to identify herself in a subsequent media interview about her experience.

    Wearable video-recording devices like GoPro cameras and Google Glass are only going to make these situations more common and, if users fail to use them diplomatically, they may well be documenting their way into the wrong side of a courtroom".

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