They are not 'our' debts, you've been duped."Government debt is...

  1. 25,040 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 45
    They are not 'our' debts, you've been duped.

    "Government debt is money spent by governments before they
    confiscate it. Such debt has little meaning, since the evil is found
    in the confiscation, and not the timing. However, given the
    culture of democracies, people are taught the nobility of nations
    and the loyalty of being a taxpayer. Governments know that they
    can spend whatever they want today, and obligate you to pay for
    it tomorrow.
    The nature of national cultures is such that even when the
    threshold of extortion is less than government spending, by the
    time the debt comes due, cultures convince people that it is their
    debt. In this fashion, they raise the threshold of extortion. People
    are less likely to revolt or quit working when they are taught that
    it is
    their nation, their debt and their moral obligation to pay."

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