News: Australia considers staggered reopening of borders, page-12

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 196
    Yeh its right Stock Soldier . At some point people are going go its enough . We have vaccinations and if we are vaccinated those who are not will either catch it and deal with naturally or rely on the health system to help.

    Is interesting now we have the vaccinations if the older generation and most at risk are vaccinated .

    Then catching covid is perhaps a low risk situation ? ie you catch it has no effect on you at all and away you go with it . Just if when you get older and its still around your risk level changes and you may wish get vaccinated perhaps?

    The bit i struggle with now is if you want get a vaccination even if you pay for it you cant ? Yet we can travel to places get a vaccination for them yet possible much of our population is not vaccinated for ie say cholera ?

    Anyway if the vast amount of the at risk population is vaccinated what is the risk to those who it will have no effect on even if catching it going on statistics ?

    No one knows how personally it will effect them till they have caught it themselves . I think the guvnuts have done a good job and to be honest im not sure they new if we could eliminate it even that just happened ?

    But now with a vaccine we do need move past this as the original plan if im right was to slow the spread so the hospital system could cope with no vaccine no real idea of how treat it even or trained people who could ?

    Everyone new it comes from overseas and we kept importing it to the country with much dismay to current residents even when we had control our own internal borders with this with perhaps a blanketed approach to people who were at absolutely at no risk at all ?

    We just went through the mask thing here in Queensland and i believe we had better controls in place before it perhaps? Anyway the young ladies who flew to Melbourne lied about the where they had been and even after facing warnings in Melbourne got forty hrs community service for causing an out break that cost the guvnuts something like 300 thousand odd dollars in the first day in testing alone . yet a business owner would face higher fines and pressure to comply with the result of their actions and whole state country etc is effected .

    What are we worried about now ? If we faced that and the people involved never even faced a serious penalty . Yes im still confused if we are not to begin the process of being allowed back to freedoms we can enjoy after advancing this far .

    Well done Australia what ever side of the debate and sacrifice or having make no sacrifice even it took over a year for people to not be able sit still for fourteen days perhaps ?

    They lost their jobs they have lost everything some people for no fault of their own .At some stage we have give back hope to all these people and strive through the next step as a nation .

    That imo Is ready now and more able to win back its freedoms and cherish them for future generations to be able to enjoy . Vote debate it and enjoy it as a democratic country and lets move government back out of our lives with to much control over us .

    If you want be vaccinated after the essential people lets us be able pay for it and get it done as private citizens even if its for free .The government can receive back money from those wishing to pay even and help offset the costs .

    Im a firm believer in universal health care for a nation but if we are to move forward in this just perhaps this is what wrong with a blanketed approach to vaccinations ?
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