The LNP were behind in the polls, Bill was doing well so they...

  1. 1,697 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 12
    The LNP were behind in the polls, Bill was doing well so they contact the AFP and beg them to act on something they are working on, even if it's highly unlikely to ever go ahead as a terrorist act. They then contact Murdoch and co, then get the news to all be on the same page with the most important phrase being "Islamic-inspired" and also must mention ISIS. Then they release a series of guess work journalism and the LNP then get on TV with as many interviews as possible.

    This may have been a genuine terrorist plot in that case well done AFP. How about next time the facts come out first and the pollies shut the Fk up and stay out of it.

    Truth and free speech is always best for the country. Not secretive lies and PC. Fact is the LNP let over half of the terrorist in the country through legal immigration. I have met many wealthy Muslims in Aus, trust me they are generally not boat people but economic migrants as you all have been led to believe.
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