News: Australia police free one of four suspects in 'Islamic-inspired' plot, page-3

  1. 4,528 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    Is Sydney Siege inquest covering for ASIO?
    The clear intention of the Coronial Inquest into the Sydney Siege is to exclude any testimony from Mamdouh Habib about his firsthand knowledge of gunman Man Haron Monis working for ASIO at the time of the siege.

    This blatant suppression of evidence coincides with Habib’s statement that an ASIO officer on 21 August directly warned him against speaking to, or even attending, the inquest.

    This treatment of Habib is a clear indication that powerful forces are determined to ensure the mandatory inquest is a cover-up, specifically of ASIO’s involvement with siege perpetrator Man Haron Monis in the lead-up to the siege.

    ASIO was set up at the behest of MI5 in 1949, and has functioned as merely the Australian branch of MI5 ever since. Mamdouh Habib forcefully warned Monis against working with ASIO, due to his own, firsthand experience with ASIO over many years, which included: years of harassment to pressure him to become an ASIO informer; ASIO’s involvement in his seizure in Pakistan in 2001; his rendition to Egypt to be tortured; his 2002-05 detention-without-charge in Guantanamo Bay; and ASIO’s active obstruction, under the cover of “national security”, of his legal proceedings to win redress for ASIO’s crimes against him.

    ASIO sleeps with dogs, inorder to count the fleas.
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