All the Australian Government has done is ask for a independent...

  1. 245 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 59
    All the Australian Government has done is ask for a independent inquiry. It's a shame that more governments around the world haven't joined in. Sure a few have but certainly not many.

    The main reason is that the CCP have the majority of the world by the short and curlies.

    I want to make something perfectly clear before I go on. I do NOT have a problem with the Chinese people. It's the corrupt leaders and their minions that are doing this...military included.

    Those world domination loving megalomaniacs in Beijing have wormed their way inside so many nations that they virtually control their corrupt governments who have sold off so much of their own countries that they dare not speak up against the CCP. And past Australian governments are included in that lineup. Rudd and his sycophantic arse licking to Beijing is a prime example.

    They are bullies in the region and the world will pay a heavy price in the future for their complacency.

    We have not learned from the 1930s in Europe when the same crap was happening...reclaiming territory, incarcerating their countrymen because of religious believes, building a massive military and stealing tech from others through business and universities...To name the obvious ones.

    This pandemic was released onto the world for one reason. To destabilize the world economy to the extent that chaos was inevitable. All it needed was one spark. And that POS copper in the States handed that to them on a plate.

    Good on the present Aussie Government to have the balls to take the CCP on and to stand up to them. They are thugs and if the world isn't careful and stand up to them as well...the world will pay a heavy price.
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