News: Australian cyber outage likely related to issue at Crowdstrike, govt spokesperson, page-32

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    The “Great Reset” is accelerating “The Great Enshittening”.

    Let’s start by getting some definitions sorted out.


    Enshittification is a pattern where online services and products experience a decline in quality over time. It is observed as platforms transition through several stages: initially offering high-quality services to attract users, then shifting to favor business customers to increase profitability, and finally focusing on maximizing profits for shareholders at the expense of both users and business customers. This process results in a significant deterioration of the user experience. A variety of platforms have been described as examples of this, including Airbnb, Amazon, Facebook, Google Search, Twitter, Netflix, Bandcamp, YouTube, Reddit, Uber, and Unity.


    Environmental, Social, Governance sustainability investment criteria. ESG stands for environmental, social, and governance, referring to a set of standards used to measure an organization’s environmental and social impact.

    ESG data is qualitative, non-financial, and not readily quantifiable in monetary terms.


    Diversity, equity, and inclusion are terms used in organizational equality training. DEI refers to a set of values and practices designed to create a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace, organization, or society. Those who promote DEI, assert that it encompasses three interconnected components:

    “Diversity: Refers to the presence and representation of different groups of individuals, including those with varying characteristics.

    Equity: Focuses on addressing and eliminating systemic barriers, biases, and disparities that have historically disadvantaged certain groups. It involves providing resources and decision-making authority to groups that have been historically underrepresented and marginalized, and understanding the root causes of outcome disparities.

    Inclusion: Ensures that all individuals feel welcome, valued, and supported, with transparency in decision-making, hiring, and promotion processes. It involves creating a sense of belonging and addressing microaggressions and unconscious biases.”

    By integrating DEI principles, organizations can, it is theorized, foster a more inclusive culture, improve employee well-being, and ultimately drive business success. The truth is that companies incorporating DEI principles do not develop a more inclusive culture or improve employee wellbeing. Furthermore, DEI principles have not been shown to help businesses succeed. They are costly, reduce the number of qualified employees available for hire, and generally do not foster a productive workplace.

    The Great Reset.

    Is a concept popularized by the World Economic Forum (WEF), “The Great Reset” aims to rebuild the global economy sustainably, equitably, and resiliently in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) plays a significant role in this initiative.

    Integration of DEI and The Great Reset

    The WEF’s Great Reset Initiative emphasizes the importance of stakeholder capitalism, which prioritizes social and environmental concerns alongside economic growth. DEI is seen as a crucial component of this approach, aiming to:

    • Promote equity: Address systemic inequalities and biases, ensuring fair access to opportunities and resources.

    • Foster inclusion: Encourage diverse perspectives and voices, recognizing the value of diverse backgrounds, experiences, and identities.

    • Enhance diversity: Cultivate a culture of inclusivity, embracing differences and promoting representation in all aspects of society.

    Critiques and Concerns

    Some critics argue that the Great Reset’s emphasis on DEI might lead to:

    • Overemphasis on social issues: Distracting from economic recovery and growth, potentially hindering progress on key economic indicators.

    • Unbalanced representation: Focusing too heavily on certain groups, neglecting others, or prioritizing identity politics over merit-based systems.

    • Government overreach: Expanding government control and regulation, potentially stifling innovation and entrepreneurship.

    Key Takeaways

    • The Great Reset Initiative recognizes DEI as essential for building a more sustainable and equitable global economy.

    • DEI efforts are subject to critiques and concerns around overemphasis, imbalance, and government overreach.

    ESG and the Great Reset:

    The Implications

    The integration of ESG into the Great Reset agenda, as defined by the World Economic forum has significant implications for businesses, investors, and policymakers. The World Economic forum envisions that:

    • ESG Best Practices: Companies will need to adopt ESG best practices, prioritizing long-term sustainability and social responsibility alongside financial performance.

    • Investor Expectations: Investors will increasingly expect companies to demonstrate strong ESG performance, driving a shift towards ESG-integrated investing and potentially influencing stock prices and portfolio construction.

    • Policy and Regulatory Frameworks: Governments and regulatory bodies will need to develop and implement policies that support the Great Reset’s ESG objectives, creating a level playing field for businesses and encouraging sustainable practices.

    Now that we have a shared understanding of the meaning and relationship of these terms ….

    Jill and I are now sitting in Athens airport waiting to board a British Airways flight back to the Imperial Capital of the West - Washington DC, via Heathrow airport. Originally booked on a United Air (UAL) flight from Athens to Chicago, then back to Dulles (bleah). UAL had abruptly canceled the inbound 787 flight from Chicago to Athens due to the massively globalized Crowdstrike/Microsoft Azure software crash. This software bug then destroyed many airlines, hospitals, and other Western nations’ cloud information technology-dependent infrastructure. The largest Internet/IT failure in history since the Internet was invented by DARPA/CIA.

    It was brought to all of us by Microsoft. Thanks, Bill. You should be attending to your own business rather than messing around with narcissistic fantasies regarding global governance and world health. Multi-billionaire oligarch busybodies. It’s their world; they just allow us to live in it (for now- but they have a plan for that).

    Welcome to our future. It’s already here, just unevenly distributed. If you could not fathom what is wrong with the concept of a “One World” centralized government powered by a global Bank of International Settlements-managed Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), you just got schooled good and hard.

    Back to the present. Fortunately, the specialized and highly competent security firm DeBecker and Associates (GDBA) was on the job. This enabled us to reroute from the failure of United to marginally competent British Air. The same GDBA that had been managing security for RFKjr until yesterday, when the US Secret Service (USSS) took over. Excellence matters. Referring to GDBA, and not in any way implying that the USSS is competent.

    UAL never even got around to notifying us of the inevitable cancellation of the outbound return flight to Chicago. I infer this was because the IT systems failure cascaded into their notification software including the United app that we usually rely upon for our travel. UAL is one of the most “woke” and ESG/DEI-compliant transnational corporations in the world. Apparently, this was all made necessary (and inevitable) due to requirements from their financial overlords (Blackrock et al.). Compliance with DEI/ESG is pretty much obligatory for all of the larger transnationals these days. Because those overlords that control the most US Federal Reserve-printed fiat currency presently rule the world. At least for now, until the great financial collapse.

    • Which ESG/DEI compliance (in other words, the projection of a socialistic facade onto globalized corporatism) is a higher priority for these corporations than their core competencies.

    • Which policies are at the heart of “Stakeholder Capitalism”.

    • Which World Economic Forum (WEF) founder/leader Klaus Schwab claims is his brainchild (although he actually stole the idea from someone else).

    • Which is the politico-economic philosophy at the heart of the WEF.

    • Which policies apex financial predator Blackrock CEO Larry Fink literally says he needs to force onto the world.

    • Which firm (Blackrock) was transformed into the current transnational financial monster by the Obama administration via an insider crony capitalism deal during the “Great Recession”.

    • Which firm (Blackrock) has now been awarded the contract (by the O’Biden administration) for rebuilding Ukraine after the decimation and depopulation campaign has been completed by the O’Biden Administration/NATO surrogate war against Russia.

    • Which Nation-State (Russia) objected to NATO expansion along it’s western and eastern borders, together with US biowarfare laboratories being arrayed along its western border, and exploited these provocations to justify launching a kinetic war invasion of Ukraine.

    • And which Nation-State (Russia) has refused to get in line with the WEF/UN sponsored “New World Order”.

    • Enablement of which “New World Order” was the rationale for the COVID-19 driven “Great Reset” initially announced by the current King of England and aggressively promoted by Klaus Schwab and his WEF alliance of the largest transnational corporations in the world.

    See how that works? Is it making more sense now? It's sort of like the circle of life.

    Larry Fink, CEO of BlackRock: "We are forcing behaviors… We are going to have to force change."

    That's what ESG is about.

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