I've never seen any evidence that the IPCC have any interest...

  1. 10,514 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 382
    I've never seen any evidence that the IPCC have any interest whatsoever in en-mass clearing of rain-forests in the same way they don't acknowledge our very own sun has anything to do with global warming/ or cooling. That's why I get very suspicious about the motives of the IPCC because they have a vested interest in feathering their own nest. If we forgot for a moment about global warming what would all those bureaucrats being doing?

    But just have a look at major urban sprawl when they sub-divide whats the first thing they do? Clear every bit of vegetation from the site, is that smart? I have neighbours that cut down 30yo native trees in a protected reserve every so often to service their open fire, I call the council and they do nothing other than to give a gentle warning? Some people have a way with words that allows them to circumvent local government legislation. They also have children at school and setting a fine example of what to do (not).

    In the end self interest rules over everything and no-one gives a crap if it affects them directly, mostly in the hip pocket.

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