ok, wakey wakey why is Oz in the poo with China???????? 2...

  1. 82,755 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75

    ok, wakey wakey

    why is Oz in the poo with China????????

    2 reasons --

    1. Orange man started a trade war - which means that Australia has been suffering because China has cut back trade with Oz and given it to Donald to shut him up a bit --------------------- orange man's fault

    2. Morrison man - wanting to make noise and look like little big man - opened gob about calling for an international inquiry into Covid - without any consultation with other world leaders or without speaking with China - and opened his gob PUBLICLY -

    all to do with Oz and America - zip to do with Indonesia

    now, along the way - we find that China might have (probably has) been fiddling trying to get influence in Oz politics -

    ok, naughty China ---------------- but, for the educated among us - the first question to pass between one's cute little ears would be 'why?'

    gosh and golly - first thoughts that pass -------------- America - American military bases - 5 eyes, 4 eyes, blind eyes.

    examples would be of the responses by America to the Darwin Port being leased to China --------------- the American responses and the responses of some Aussies

    and, why, does one ask - were america caught flat footed there?

    arrrh - because they do not notice what's right under their nose - they are bloody famous for it

    missed the invasion of Afghanistan
    missed the attack on Pearl
    missed twin towers
    and, wait for it - the Commander of the US forces in Darwin missed the China Darwin Port deal -

    wow, wow wow --------------- instead of looking down the five eyes scope - the poor little dears should have saved a hundred bucks out of those trillions they spend on defense and -------------- wait for it

    brought an annual subscription to the local Darwin rag and got someone to read the bloody thing

    and, we wonder why China is pissed off??????????????

    arrrh - nope
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