''" but failed to bring the United States on board." glad to see...

  1. 85,880 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    ''" but failed to bring the United States on board."

    glad to see nothing has changed - at least the animal one knows is better than an animal that one doesn't know

    bloody America ------ always got to be different ---------- and IMO - because they just want to be different

    different mile
    different gallon
    different rules
    different culture - crazy culture
    different bloody navigation system - wtf thought that one up

    one thing about America is --------- if the world is left - America wants to be right, if the world is white, America wants to be black, if the world wants matt surface, the yanks want high gloss

    always have to be different ---------- and it's not just America compared to the rest either -

    one look at the doco 'Inside Airforce One'

    what a major cockup - why? ------- because each authority had to be 'different'

    different comms language - their airforce etc - different language to aviation authorities and ground authorities etc

    all resulting in a mess

    same same with donny's ear piercing ------- they have got to be different and it's got to be 'their idea' or 'their way'

    personally, I think they are deranged - no wonder they can't win a bloody war
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