News: Europe Distillates-Diesel margins end the week lower

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    LONDON, May 24 (Reuters) - Northwest European diesel barge refining margins ended the week about 3% lower at $17.60 a barrel on Friday amid slowing demand and high imports.

    • Five barges traded in the afternoon window, with Litasco, Shell and TotalEnergies selling to Gunvor and Vitol.
    • EU and UK diesel and gasoil imports are on track to reach 1.18 million barrels per day this month, Kpler data showed, broadly steady from April levels.

    • Gasoil stocks held in independent storage in the Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Antwerp (ARA) refining and storage hub fell by 2% during the week to May 23, data from Dutch consultancy Insights Global showed.
    • Indian refiners' use of crude oil vessels to ship refined fuels such as diesel to key European markets diminished in May after volumes neared two-year highs last month, trade sources and analysts said.

    				Trades  Bids	Offers  Previous  Seller  Buyer 
     0.1 GO Barge		   June							   

    diffs fob ARA -$10 per tonne

    GO-ED-ARA 0.1 GO Cargo diffs cif NWE per tonne

    GO-CND-NWE 0.1 GO Cargo diffs cif Med per tonne

    GO-CND-MED 50ppm barge diffs fob ARA per tonne Diesel Trades Bids Offers Previous Seller Buyer

     Diesel barge   June					June	  Litasc  Gunvor 
     diffs fob ARA  -$0.75				  -$1-$1.7  o,	  , 
     per tonne	  , June				  5		 TotalE  Vitol 
     A>			 barges							s,	   
    				)								 Shell	
     Diesel cargo		   June							   

    diffs cif NWE +$20 per tonne Diesel cargo diffs cif Med per tonne

    DL-CIFD-MED Jet fuel Trades Bids Offers Previous Seller Buyer

     Jet fuel												  

    barge diffs fob FARAG per tonne


     Jet fuel	   July	June					  Unipec  BP 
     cargo		  +$56	+$58							   

    cif NWE per (Rotte tonne rdam)


    Fuel Oil Trades Bids Offers Previous Seller Buyer

     0.5% barge   $530-$5				 $530-$53  TotalE  OEI, 
     fob ARA per  30.5 (3				 2		 nergie  NorthSt 
     tonne		barges)						   s	   ar 
     3.5% barge						   $452-$45  TotalE  OEI 
     fob ARA per  $457 (2				 3.25	  nergie   
     tonne		barges)						   s, BP	

    ICE Low Sulphur Gasoil LGOc1 Previous

     Diesel ARA Barge		$17.55		   $17.8 
     Cracks vs Brent						   

    futures (per barrel) Diesel spread LGOc1-LGOc2

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