LONDON, July 2 (Reuters) - Northwest European diesel barge...

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    LONDON, July 2 (Reuters) - Northwest European diesel barge refining margins rose slightly to $21.86 a barrel on Tuesday, as crude prices eased after rising sharply on concerns of supply disruption in the Gulf of Mexico due to Hurricane Beryl.

    • Nine diesel barges traded in the Platts window. Mercuria and Shell sold to BP, Vitol and Glencore.
    • Independently-held gasoil inventories in Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Antwerp (ARA) STK-GO-ARA fell by nearly 3% in the week to June 27 to just under 2.2 million metric tons, according to data from Dutch consultancy Insights Global.
    • In the Mediterranean market, traders expect the diesel-making hydrocracker at Socar's STAR refinery in Turkey to come back online early next week. The outage on the unit started in early June.
    • Nigeria's new Dangote oil refinery is increasing gasoil exports to West Africa, taking market share from European refiners, according to traders and shipping data.
    • Russian oil product exports from the Black Sea port of Tuapse are set to rise by 59.7% month-on-month in July to 0.99 million metric tons from 0.6 million tons scheduled for June, two traders said on Monday.
    • Diesel and gasoil exports from the port will reach 480,000 tons, up by 29% on the month.
    • Candidates from all of Scotland's major political parties competing in the UK general election are putting pressure on energy company Petroineos to delay the closure of Scotland's sole oil refinery at Grangemouth and save jobs.
    				Trades  Bids	Offers  Previou  Seller  Buyer 
     0.1 GO Barge		   July	July					  

    diffs fob ARA -$14 -$8 per tonne

    GO-ED-ARA 0.1 GO Cargo diffs cif NEW per tonne

    GO-CND-NWE 0.1 GO Cargo diffs cif Med per tonne


     50ppm barge	July			July			 Belgom  Vitol 
     diffs fob ARA  -$10			-$7			  ine	  
     per tonne												

    Diesel Trades Bids Offers Previou Seller Buyer

     Diesel barge   July					July	 Shell,  Glenco 
     diffs fob ARA  -$0.50				  +0.15	Mercur  re, 
     per tonne	  -$1							  ia	  Vitol, 

    A> Diesel cargo July diffs cif NEW +$11 per tonne

     Diesel cargo		   July			Med -$1		   
     diffs cif Med		  +$12			(Malta)		   
     per tonne												

    DL-CIFD-MED Jet fuel Trades Bids Offers Previou Seller Buyer

     Jet fuel					   July	FBH			   

    barge +$49 -$3.50 diffs fob FARAG per tonne

    JET-BD-ARA Jet fuel July cargo +$50 cif NEW per tonne


    Fuel Oil Trades Bids Offers Previous Seller Buyer

     0.5% barge   $580-$5				 $570 (2   Shell,  Mercuri 

    fob ARA per 84 barges) Glenco a,

     tonne										  re	  United 
     3.5% barge   $512-$5				 $494-515  Gunvor  Vitol, 
     fob ARA per  25					  (13	   ,	   United, 
     tonne								barges)   Aramco  Total 

    HFO-ARA ICE Low Sulphur Gasoil LGOc1 Previous

     Diesel ARA Barge		$21.86		   $21.32 
     Cracks vs Brent						   

    futures (per barrel) Diesel spread LGOc1-LGOc2

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