JAT 13.1% 43.0¢ jatcorp limited

News: JAT Jatenergy Sees HY Revenue Substantially In Range Of $45-50 MLN, page-14

  1. 2,110 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 396
    Bubs get all revenue to themselves whereas JAT’s revenue only replies on its subsidiaries and JAT has nothing to sell. So the revenue reported aren’t 100% belongs to JAT. But at least 50% so still $4m and how much is the profit would be anyone’s guess. Do hope to see bigger profits to acquire more of Sunnya’s shares to 80%. If not then pays us shareholders a nice long long long waited dividend.
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Mkt cap ! $35.80M
Open High Low Value Volume
43.5¢ 43.5¢ 35.0¢ $167.7K 405.8K

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1 6819 42.5¢

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Price($) Vol. No.
43.5¢ 14452 1
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Last trade - 14.45pm 31/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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