You have a point. Found this,in%20the%20bid%20class%3B%20and
which doesn't mention that it applies to only listed companies. So yes, the next takeover offer to mop up the 10%+ minorities may be at whatever price they decide.
Obviously my relatively small holdings do not matter at all, so it's really a punt on the remaining big shareholders holding out for an offer higher than $1.40. I do remember that a few years ago, Solly Lew didn't sells his shares into David Jones bid, and then South African Woolies have lobbed a much improved bid to mop up the shares they didn't own.
Anyway, it could be a moot point if they do get to 90% in the next 2 weeks.90% Compulsory acquisition
All shares subject to a takeover bid are able to be acquired compulsorily at the bid price if the bidder and its associates have:
- relevant interests in at least 90% by number of the shares in the bid class; and
- acquired 75% by number of the shares that the bidder offered to acquire under the bid (which effectively increases the 90% threshold only where the bidder and associates have more than 60% of the shares in the target before bidding).