MLM 0.00% 3.4¢ metallica minerals limited

News: MLM Melior Announces Merger With ASX Listed Metallica Minerals Ltd, page-77

  1. 179 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 45
    Interesting - this whole discussion comes down to - money and unmet expectations. We are out of the money or we should have been richer at this point in time - and this is the fault of the board?  really - and then the God mothers appear and will, with their magic wand, make it all disappear and worthwhile - I do not think this action is productive on both sides, conflict never is and why not open a dialogue with the board or whoever is in charge - may be more productive - regrettably I have been in this game for 30 years and have become cynic - we never know the real motivation until in some cases it is too late
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Currently unlisted public company.

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