PEK 0.00% 13.5¢ peak rare earths limited

Maybe right, probably just pissing into the wind, but this is...

  1. 1,739 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 546
    Maybe right, probably just pissing into the wind, but this is still an Australian owned Company with a deposit with strategic importance to the West and i dont think we should just lay down and let this mob walk all over us.

    Who knows whats going on behind the scenes here.
    Teeside is definitely at risk now.
    Where the processing is done is anyone's guess. Teeside, China, Tanzania.
    If its done in Tanzania the CCP will ensure that they are not done over..
    We would not expect the same support from the Australian Government (woke), who would just give Tanzania a sternly worded message.

    Anyway, here is the CCP modus operandi, tales of an economic hit-man.
    They go into a Country and offer the Country money for a project.
    When the Country cannot pay the Chinese back the Chinese simply take over the project.
    Chinese water torture, Belt & Road.
    God knows how much money Tanzania owes the CCP.

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13.5¢ 13.5¢ 13.5¢ $4.776K 35.37K

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