SMC strategic minerals corporation nl

News: SMC Strategic Minerals Corp Says Got Notification From QGold Pty That It Proposes To Enact..., page-12

  1. 211 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 169
    Following on from the last post I encourage all remaining shareholders of Strategic to lodge an objection notice which is contained at the back of the Compulsory Acquisition Offer documents (page 78 if I am not mistaken). This needs to be sent by October 2, 2020. My understanding is if just 10% of the remaining shareholders object, QGold will require a court order to complete the Compulsory Acquisition process.

    So we can get a rough idea of the level of interest please click the Upvote if you intend to lodge your objection notice.
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Currently unlisted public company.

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