news. sydney properties fall in half , page-14

  1. gbx
    144 Posts.
    I would not credit BB with that thinking at all as his pitch is gold , art and trading cos.

    Greedy property investors is a lttle ovesimplification IMO.

    A large no of property investors are everyday people who are taking a longterm view of the market. Particularly many of us manage our own properties, charge below market rentals and are happy to make a loss on income provided that in 10 -20 years that can provide us with sufficient income in retirement through capital growth and ultimately rental growth as that slowly creeps up. At that stage we will not be a burden to the taxpayer and quite frankly will be happy to continue to pay tax to support the less advantaged as the govt compassionately assists them. The investors are to be set apart from the speculators.

    The sheer naivety at pigeonholing people here based on some innane prejudice is quite juvenile .

    Many of us in turn are assisting those in our families and so on. To believe that everyone apart from the property investor is not as altruistic as the sharemarket investor calls for a little bit more commonsense and maturity and displays an evident ostrich mentality. In common jargon time to grow up people and deal with issues and not paranoia.
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