News: Two Australians confirmed dead in London attack -government, page-6

  1. 9,046 Posts.
    I'm actually amazed that some mosques have not ceased to exist in the last couple days in Britain. Suggest it is because of extensive security camera coverage. But at some point, and I expect it is not far away, the rage will be so intense - that the authorities can eat their cameras.

    And not just in the UK....Germany and Scandinavia have had a gutfull - even if their toads (Merkel especially) running the place haven't figured it out - or done anything of substance about it. Then there is Australia.....our day will come no doubt. There will be a murderous high-casualty outrage that the authorities were unable to detect or deal with. It is inevitable. Have Muslims, have death to non-Muslims. This is a current and proven equation - and fuelled by petrodollars, and Saudi ideology. But as long as we (the west) sell them billions upon billions of weapons....every Saudi should have an F-15 in the driveway....our scumbag leaders around the world will play their game. Lives don't matter as much as petrodollars. And those petrodollars flow to those who fervently want to kill us. Cold and obvious fact.

    Notice how 'Islam' had to be dragged so stupidly reluctantly from the throats of May and Turnbull. And even Trump, has proven himself a treasonous liability to what is best for America. Him sucking off Saudi petro-teats - is not what is best. Invasion and regime change, isolating the populace and borders - and pumping their oil dry is what is best. The grand mosque can be destroyed and strapped to Saudi backs, piece by piece, to be carried and tossed into the Red Sea. Than the world might be a better place. In fact, it will be obviously so....
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