OroborosParticipantThe Russians are advancing 5km per day in...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 128

    The Russians are advancing 5km per day in Donbas. At this rate the Ukronazis will have their backs against the Dneiper. Then the Russians can blow up all the bridges and can slaughter them like sheep with their backsides against the river.

    I’m making popcorn for the finale.

    The Empire of Lies Military Maggots are so stupid they don’t even know that they and their second rate military “wonder weapons” have totally lost face on the world stage and in front of the Global Majority.

    No one wants their garbage weapons

    No one wants their third rate ‘strategic planning” or their fourth rate military training.

    The Empire of Lies Military Maggots can only beat up 3rd world countries

    And we now have evidence of their total failure in Ukronaziland.

    And NATO-ZATO has been completely humiliated in front of the world.


    NATO/ZATO: Total Ass-Wipes [TAW] masquerading as ‘military geniuses”

    Thugs, pimps, thieves

    The NATO/ZATO They/them/their/he/she/it’s prancing like a purple military parade of drag queens thinking they are the equal of the Roman Legions at their prime.

    The Empire of Lies Military Maggots losing for 79 years straight, meet the Real Deal for Centuries…..


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