The fact of the matter is that you posted false and misleading...

  1. 6,389 Posts.
    The fact of the matter is that you posted false and misleading information about the repubicans in the USA and stated that they were "toast".

    Your reply is typical of the left wing in three rspects:

    1. Once caught out that you were basically telling porkies you change the subject.

    2. You bring up another unrelated topic

    3. You blame the current left wing's current darling's problems on some past person that no longer is relevant.

    Your fixation on everything being Bush's fault is ridiculous.

    0 bama's current budget deficit is burning up money so fast that the USA will never recover. It his deficit not Bush's and has nothing do to with Bush.

    The February deficit of $230 billion plus is almost equal to 1/3 of the total deficit under Bush for 8 years.

    0 bama has wrecked the USA with his outlandish deficits and Gillard is well on her way of doing the same in Oz.

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