NXG 2.39% $9.84 nexgen energy (canada) ltd

NexGen Announces Discovery of New Intense Mineralization in Greenfields Discovery 3.5 Kilometers from Arrow, page-11

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    how it all began, month by month,,

    will we see a better reult on this new discovery?

    On December 31, 2012, nexgen went on the TSX.. listed..

    On December 2, 2013, NexGen announced the initial results from the recently acquired aerialgeophysical surveys along its southern Athabasca Basin margins, at the Rook anOn December 2, 2013, NexGen announced the initial results from the recently acquired aerialgeophysical surveys along its southern Athabasca Basin margins, at the Rook and Dufferinareas. At least 5 individual zones of elevated U-channel radiometrics have been identifiedalong the Rook I claim block area. Two of these zones are proximal to the area at Rook Idrilled during the summer 2013 program. U1 and U2 are to be areas of focus for the upcomingwinter drilling program commencing in January 2014. Regional and local basement structuresare evident in the aeromagnetic data. Ground follow up of the U-channel zones is planned fornext summer season to identify the sources of the elevated radiometrics. This will involvedetailed ground radiometric surveys, and boulder mapping and sampling.

    On January 20, 2014, NexGen announced that it has commenced a two drill, 6,000 meterprogram on the Rook I project. The program will focus on the targets generated from the resultsNEXGEN ENERGY LTD.MANAGEMENT`S DISCUSSION & ANALYSIS – May 22, 2014- 6 -of the 2013 summer drilling program. Further, previously identified targets based on detailedgeophysical surveys of the Rook I project will also be tested later in the program. Thesesurveys have included aerial VTEM and magnetics, ground gravity, and DC resistivity.Interpretation of the results from these surveys and from the aerial radiometric and EM surveyin late 2013 has revealed further target areas. One interpreted large structural zone will becovered by a detailed ground gravity survey to more closely define drill targets as a part of thewinter program.

    On February 19, 2014, the Company announced that it drilled 26.2 meters of highly anomalousradioactivity on its first hole at the Arrow Prospect (RK-14-21) on the Rook I property 4.5 kmnorth of its southern boundary. On February 24, 2014 the Company announced further newzones of uranium mineralization within this first hole. The first hole at Arrow was completed at663.0m. It intersected uranium-mineralised brecciated structural zones over several zonesdownhole, including 26.2m from 204.8-231.0m, 0.6m from 318.5-319.1m, 26.8m from 517.9-544.5m, and 4.0m from 580.0-584.0m. Four further holes have been completed at Arrow (holesRK-14-24, -25, -26, and -27).

    On March 13, 2014, the Company announced the discovery of further new zones of uraniummineralisation within a second hole (RK-14-27) in the Arrow prospect, extending the knownzone of uranium mineralisation down dip and along strike. This hole was completed to a depthof 576m. It intersected uraniferous structurally-disturbed zones similar to the zones in hole RK-14-21, and interpreted to be continuations of those zones. These include downholeradioactively anomalous intercepts in RK-14-27 of 0.25m from 224.45-224.70m, 15.05m from240.65-255.70m (Figs 2 and 3), 1.25m from 359.20-360.45m, and 0.20m from 435.70-435.90m

    On March 31, 2014, the Company announced its best hole to date (RK-14-30) at the ArrowProspect. Additionally, holes RK-14-28 and -29 which have been completed since the lastdrilling report press released on March 13, 2014, also intersected uranium mineralization. Thistakes the total to 7 out of the 8 holes at Arrow having intersected uranium mineralization overa minimum strike length of 215 meters which remains open to the south-west. These holes arethe successful completion of NexGen’s winter drilling program at the Rook. In total, 17 holeswere completed during the winter for 7,442.2 meters, completing a grand total of 10,474.4meters having been drilled at Rook 1 including the 2013 summer program.

    The winter program was extremely successful, resulting in the virgin discovery of the ArrowProspect, adding to the uranium mineralization found at Area A in summer 2013, and theradiometric anomalism found at Dagger in early winter 2014.

    in 3 months the whole thing exploded...
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