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Next train station: "$2-town", page-75

  1. 477 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 167
    @ligorioa & NAF:

    I don't share your opinion at all. I read from your lines dissatisfaction and anger because of the poor course development - I also find the course development annoying, but unfortunately the conditions had deteriorated to the disadvantage in the last 12 months and the communication in this regard was perhaps not quite optimal.

    But constantly complaining here and listing things that only correspond to your personal opinion are just ridiculous.

    Have you ever thought that the dirty mug is deliberately chosen and published as a photo?!
    Have you ever thought that JB doesn't want to share all information with the public immediately in order to protect trade secrets?
    Have you ever thought that the current deliveries - unfortunately still at a loss - are still being made in order to appear as a reliable producer who does not immediately stop deliveries due to general market fluctuations?

    I'm sorry, I don't share your opinion. I am also disappointed and would have hoped for more. But I'm giving JB the necessary time to get things going the right way.

    If you don't trust JB then sell your shares but stop posting stupid things here!
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