FEX fenix resources ltd

fair enough. Each to his/her own.if you’d like a tip from an old...

  1. 1,601 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 383
    fair enough. Each to his/her own.

    if you’d like a tip from an old seasoned investor; don’t let tax influence you too much.
    by all means plan for it as best you can. Franked divs are nice when they come. Selling some pre/post June 30 etc. sell dog losers, etc. all ok.
    but overall, just don’t let tax have too much influence in your decision making, I’ve paid a mountain of tax over the years. I’m still retired after 16 years with enough to live very comfortably.
    if you pay a lot of tax, you’ve made a lot of profit.


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