Nice Murderer may not be a Muslim

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    Please note that what follows is NOT a defence of Islamic terrorism but it is a call for us to get our facts right before going half off half-cocked and thereby behaving as vigilantes / terrorists ourselves. As an atheist I support NO religion since my beliefs are rooted in Science, but as an Australian I support the right of people to the religion of their choice as long as that's consistent with our official values and our laws.

    As he so often does, Andrew Bolt has again shot his mouth off without robustly checking the facts and ignoring those pseudo facts already available.

    As of 9:00pm last night Bolt published his latest hateful attack on Muslims in the Herald-Sun entitled;

    "Andrew Bolt on Nice terror attack: West can’t keep making excuses"
    "LOOK now at Nice, the latest Western city to have its streets run red with the blood of the victims of Islamic terrorists. ..."

    But as of that time, NO Islamic group had claimed any involvement with the atrocity in Nice.

    Indeed; based on what may yet prove to be a lie attributing the atrocity to Islamic terrorists [ie. plural], in that same article and before checking the facts around the truck driver, Andrew Bolt exclaimed [my emphasis below]:

    "... And so what can we do? Well, demand change. No more excuses from our politicians and leading apologists such as Waleed Aly.
    No more demonising of those who at least have the courage to warn of the dangers, even of a Pauline Hanson. No more toleration of hate preachers. No more multiculturalism, and no more mass immigration from the Muslim world.

    Well as of 10:41pm last night the report below appeared in no less than Andrew Bolt's Herald-Sun [my emphasis below]:

    ".... Walid Hamou, a cousin of Nice suspect Bouhlel’s wife Hajer Khalfallah , told MailOnline: “Bouhlel was not religious. He did not go to the mosque, he did not pray, he did not observe Ramadan.”
    “He drank alcohol, ate pork and took drugs. This is all forbidden under Islam,” he said. “He was not a Muslim, he was a s***. He beat his wife, my cousin, he was a nasty piece of work.
    The comments came as French police raided the suspect’s home and held his wife for questioning.
    The man, 31, was not known by the Tunisian authorities to hold radical or Islamist views. Bouhlel was married with three children but it is reported they the couple were planning to divorce.
    He came from the Tunisian town of Msaken which he last visited four years ago, Tunisian security sources say.
    Neighbours described him as a loner with no visible religious affiliation. ..."

    Amidst the roughly one hundred innocent people to be slaughtered, the first person to die at the hands of Bouhlel is reported to have been an innocent and peace-loving Muslim mother. Most people killed by Bouhlel appear NOT to have been Muslims but early reports indicate dozens of those who died were indeed innocent Muslims in the crowd celebrating Bastille Day along with everyone else in France.

    Andrew Bolt needs to explain why he's gone off half-cocked and I only hope that reactions such as his do NOT lead to the reactionary vigilantism that even he talked of in his article and which is being called for on other thread on this forum.
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