I actually don't think banning Muslim immigration is necessarily...

  1. 8,256 Posts.
    I actually don't think banning Muslim immigration is necessarily the solution (even temporary). It certainly ignores the home grown Islamic problem. I am comfortable with stricter visa regulations and requirements for people from certain countries - we could set increased hurdles based on criminality statistics (e.g. the disproportionate number of Sudanese and Lebanese in our jails, for example, or Lebanese Social Security crime).

    Additionally, I believe we should require the licensing of all Muslim clerics and demand compliance with the rules of our society, or be fined/jailed or deported (no matter whether a backyard cleric or a grand mufti).

    And before people suggest other religious leaders should then be similarly licensed (which I don't really have an issue with), the rationale of specifically licensing Muslim clerics goes to the core of one of the key issues - that is, Islam does not have any formal hierarchy of leadership and therefore, anyone can be a cleric - they do not need to answer to anyone. Therefore, if Islam does not see fit to impose its own minimum standards on ALL clerics, then we need to do this instead.
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