AUZ 4.17% 1.2¢ australian mines limited

Nickel news, page-1531

  1. 7,570 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 758
    I can see the advertisement now , 4 year old boy dressed in rags , filthy dirty , shovel in hand digging for cobalt while armed guards from the DRC stand over him and his family . Advert switches to cigar smoking exec driving ev with drc cobalt battery in his car .
    Wife comes home after being shunned by school parents telling her she is supporting child labor . Advert switches to car company installing ethically sourced cobalt batteries in their cars and captions “which one will you chose”.
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Mkt cap ! $16.08M
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1.1¢ 1.2¢ 1.1¢ $1.126K 100.4K

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20 21574379 1.1¢

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Price($) Vol. No.
1.2¢ 2198401 9
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Last trade - 12.02pm 29/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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