Nitric Oxide can be the cure, live pain free

  1. 10,424 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2060
    Big discoveries are now being made about Nitric Oxide and the importance of this not dropping off within the blood.
    If your in pain a lot, it is most likely that your Nitric oxide levels have dropped off as it does as we get older and it can also happen to children.
    Nitric Oxide is created in the mouth saliva as Nitrates that convert from a bacteria to Nitric Oxide.
    If you use mouth wash or fluoride tooth paste and or drink and eat the wrong things, you will destroy your Nitric oxide levels, or just not produce any.
    Nitric Oxide helps red blood cells deliver oxygen to protective layers around your nerves, without Nitric Oxide the protective layers stop forming and you end up in pain.
    Covid 19 killed mostly people who had little to no Nitric Oxide within there red blood, older people and those with immune problems and health issues, all of known to have low Nitric Oxide levels.
    If you want to be pain free and start to cure yourself of many health conditions, look up the correct diet and lifestyle to increase your Nitric Oxide levels and live a healthy pain free long life.
    My tip, watch the nerve doctors and have one fresh lime squeezed into a glass of water each day and become pain free, eat broccoli celery garlic and extra virgin cold pressed olive oil, do not consume any other oils that are in almost everything processed in the supermarkets these days, and avoid vegetables and fruits that contain high amounts of oxalates.
    Another tip, Moringa Oleifera Lam powder capsules are known to cure many health conditions and pain, I grow it myself and feel like IM 30 years younger.
    On YouTube search up lectins, oxalates, Nitric Oxide, vegetable seed oils, and you will discover the truth and what main stream media governments and your doctor is not telling you or are just not aware of, be warned your nutritionist or doctor could be killing you with bad advice not to mention all the unnecessary operations many of us do not need to have when all you need to do is increase your Nitic Oxide levels and avoid high levels of Oxalates and Lectins with zero vegetable seed oil consumption, why not try it first, it can do no harm before you drug up or go under the knife.
    Be smart and research, do not let others mislead you to a early painful death.
    Your loving Lightworker messenger.
    All in love and light.
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