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    REVIEW: Housing finance showing demand falling
    12:07, Friday, 18 April 2008

    Sydney - Friday - April 18: (RWE Aust Business News) - The key
    data item this week was housing finance which showed that demand was
    The softer economic outlook was also reflected in the latest
    leading index from Westpac/Melbourne Institute.
    And the Reserve Bank's monthly survey of credit card spending
    showed that growth in that particular area of debt accumulation was the
    slowest on record in February.
    For owner-occupiers, housing finance fell by a large 5.9 per
    cent compared to expectations for a small 0.5pc rise.
    TD Securities senior strategist Joshua Williamson said finance
    for established dwellings took the brunt of the fall in finance values,
    down by 6.9pc as low affordability and higher interest rates curbed
    "The housing finance data adds to evidence of a slowing economy
    that started with falling business and consumer confidence, weak retail
    sales, building approvals and a decline in job advertisements."
    In seasonally adjusted terms, the number of commitments for
    owner occupied housing fell 5.9 per cent in February, the Australian
    Bureau of Statistics said.
    The value of dwelling finance commitments excluding alterations
    and additions decreased 7.1pc.
    Investment housing commitments decreased 9.5pc and owner occupied
    housing commitments decreased 6.0pc, by value.
    The number of commitments for refinancing of established
    dwellings decreased 5.7pc.

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