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    perrenial -smarter people than you disagree You posted

    "first thing you should understand yid is that no one on hc is anti semetic. there are alot of people who are anti zionist and that is a big difference."

    Just who do you think you're kidding? Your fellow anti-semites?


    When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews, You are talking anti-Semitism".
    - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in a speech at Harvard University shortly before his assassination in 1968, from "The Socialism of Fools" The Left, the Jews and Israel by Seymour Martin Lipset; in Encounter, (December 1969), p. 24.

    The older type of anti-Semitism, based on outright racial prejudice, is unfashionable today, and the modern anti-Zionist, whether by calculation or because he is a product of his times, tends to avoid it. He has therefore invented a neo-anti-Semitism, the logical inconsistencies of which are to some extent masked by ambiguity.
    - Jacques Givet, "The Anti-Zionist Complex"

    Today the boundary between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism is often indistinct. It is clear, too, that the anti-Semitism proclaimed by a good many Arab governments is a veil designed to hide the negligence and corruption of the governing classes, and to divert attention from poverty and unemployment by focusing it on an external foe.
    - G. Chaliand, The Palestinian Resistance, Penguin, London, 1972

    Zionism, even as a code word, is the litmus test with respect to anti-Semitism throughout the world, even in America. The facile rhetorical linkage of Zionism with imperialism and racism is little more than an admission that Jews are uniquely not entitled to be like everyone else and live as citizens as part of a majority in a nation, for better or for worse. Zionism, as mirrored in the State of Israel, has proven the point that Jews are in fact just human. Israel has displayed a full range of human achievement and weakness and of decency and its absence common to all nations. Comparatively speaking, one can make the case that Israel has behaved better, given its circumstances. The anti-Zionist, like the anti-Semite a century ago, does not allow the Jew the privilege of normalcy.
    - Leon Botstein, The New Republic, September 8, 1997

    Looking back now over nearly 50 years, I have to say - regretfully - that I believe history has proved me right. The establishment of the State of Israel has merely provided a more "politically correct" name "Anti-Zionism" in place of "Anti-Semitism." If anything,the virulence has increased.
    - Derek Prince, Canadian Friends of the International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem

    In short, "anti-Israeli" sentiment at the UN is often a surrogate for two other predilections: anti-Semitism and anti-Americanism.
    - John R. Bolton, Senior Vice President, American Enterprise Institute, July 14, 1999

    The unprovoked attacks launched against Israel, whether against the State itself or its subjects, all derive from the same deliberate attempt at repression - repression of any aspiration towards emancipation of the Jewish people, in the Diaspora or in the resurrected homeland; repression which, alternating with periods of paternalism and condescension, has been a constant feature of the policy of many countries towards the Jews.
    - Jacques Givet, "The Anti-Zionist Complex"

    During the 1970's, an especially blatant and vulgar brand of anti-Semitism became a unifying global ideology of the totalitarian Left. Couched in the language of opposition to Zionism, this anti-Semitism became the preferred vehicle of the Soviet Union and its clients in international forums for political assaults against democratic nations - most obviously Israel, but ultimately all the West, and especially the United States.
    - Ambassador/Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, in the introduction to "The Anti-Zionist Complex", by Jacques Givet

    "The responsiveness of post-Shoah Europe to anti-Zionism has many geo-strategic and economic reasons, but it also derives from the easy channeling of traditional judeophobia into anti-Zionism. Thus, it is not surprising that the PLO's official Christian representatives were much appreciated by politicians, intellectuals, and the European media. In antisemitic circles, they were endowed with a holy mission, embodied in the historic role of the Palestinian clergy..."
    "...Among the multitude of events from the 20th century, historians in the next millennium may well be intrigued be two particularities: the first concerns the relentlessness shown by many European politicians in exterminating and pillaging European Jewry, the second concerns post-Shoah Europe, which is linked to the first by a similar desire of many to demonize Israel. Yet, this 20th century has witnessed important Western strategic defeats in the Middle East. Armenian independence, promised at the end of World War I (Treaty of Sevres) was never implemented; the same applies to the Kurds. Lebanon, considered as a paragon for the realization of an Islamic-Christian symbiosis, finally collapsed in a bloody tragedy. Massacres and slavery continue to ravage the Christian and Animist populations of southern Sudan; the war in the Philippines fueled be a secessionist Muslim minority group has claimed 120,000 lives over the past 20 years. Genocidal massacres have been perpetrated in numerous countries, but for 30 years the main target-constantly highlighted in the media remained Israel."

    - Bat Ye'or in Dhimmitude: Jews and Christians Under Islam, published in MIDSTREAM. Born in Egypt, Bat Ye'or is the author of The Dhimma: Jews & Christians Under Islam (French, 1980; English 1985; fourth reprint, AUP, 1996).

    There is no difference whatever between anti-Semitism and the denial of Israel's statehood. Classical anti-Semitism denies the equal right of Jews as citizens within society. Anti-Zionism denies the equal rights of the Jewish people its lawful sovereignty within the community of nations. The common principle in the two cases is discrimination
    - Abba Eban, New York Times, November 3, 1975

    Jew-hatred and its latest incarnation, Israel-hatred, are the price Jews pay for their role in history. They pay it often unwillingly and they live the role, for the most part unwittingly. But as the great French Catholic theologian Jacques Maritain noted: " to be found at the very heart of the world's structure, stimulating it, exasperating it, moving it. Like an alien body, like an activating ferment injected into the mass, it gives the world no peace, it bars slumber, it teaches the world to be discontented and restless as long as the world has not God, it stimulates the movement of history...It is the vocation of Israel which the world hates".
    - Dennis Prager and Joseph Telushkin, in their book, "Why the Jews? : the Reasons for Antisemitism",

    A hundred years after Basel, fifty years after the founding of the state, no self-respecting Jew should have to defend Zionism. The argument from history was made a hundred years ago: Israel was our sovereign land from which we were exiled and the claim to which we never renounced; unlike the colonizers of, say, Australia, South Africa and North America, we are returning to--not creating--our patrimony. And the argument from necessity--that a people savagely persecuted and denied refuge in every corner of the globe needs at least one place of its own--was made fifty years ago, tragically and definitively, in the wake of the Holocaust. Moreover, the last fifty years of rebuilding the land with Jewish labor and genius, and of defending it with Jewish blood, have made denials of the Jewish claim unworthy even of reply. No one asks Australia to justify its right to breathe. The time for justifying Israel's is long past.
    This is not to say that the deniers are not there. Entire nations deny. Entire leagues of nations deny. Why, the United Nations, speaking for the mass of mankind, would still be denying the legitimacy of the Jewish state were it not so beholden to the United States. The war against Zion is, of course, the leitmotif of Arab international life. And not just of the Iraqs and Syrias. It infuses the discourse of post-Camp David Egypt and of the post-Oslo Palestinians. "We know only one word: jihad, jihad, jihad.... We are in a conflict with the Zionist movement and the Balfour Declaration and all imperialist activities." That was Yasir Arafat in Bethlehem three years after Oslo. (Balfour, no less.)

    Arguing with anti-Zionists is not just pointless. It is demeaning. The intellectual battle to be fought today is not with the anti-Zionists, those who maintain that the Jewish state should never have existed, but with the post-Zionists, those who maintain that the Jewish national idea has outlived its usefulness, that it is obsolete, an impediment now both to individual self-expression and to entry into the post-sovereign world of the coming century.

    - Charles Krauthammer, The New Republic, September 8, 1997

    Our disappointment is not in Zionism, but in anti-Zionism, the adjustment that anti-Semitism made when the Jews moved into modern statehood.
    - Ruth R. Wisse, The New Republic, September 8, 1997

    The anti-Zionist becomes an overt anti-Semite as soon as he goes beyond criticism of the policies of the Jerusalem government (a favorite activity of the Israelis themselves) and challenges the very existence of the State of Israel. For to refuse the Jews their right to nationhood is to perpetuate their bondage. To "de-Zionize" Israel would be like trying to "de-Helvetize" Switzerland. The fact that Israel has an Arab minority is shocking only to those for whom the idea of a Jewish majority in any country is intolerable.
    - Jacques Givet, "The Anti-Zionist Complex"

    Although Stalin said that anti-Semitism was the most dangerous sequel of cannibalism, his name will remain associated with an absurd variety of anti-Semitism born in certain socialist countries under the new name of anti-Zionism ...a sad, ridiculous, reactionary, and very dangerous phenomenon.
    - Reporter, Prague, March 1969. Note the date; this publication, the official organ of the Union of Czechoslovak Journalists, was still (to its cost) faithful to the milder line inaugurated in January 1968, before the Soviet invasion. (from Jacques Givet, "The Anti-Zionist Complex")

    In the 1990s, many of the Islamic social and political movements in the Arab world joined the resurgent trend of Holocaust denial among European anti-Semites. This was mainly the result and influence of the persistent activity in this field by Roger Gauroudi, a French scholar and leading European anti-Semite. Gauroudi, a former Christian Marxist and French Communist Party member of the French parliament, converted to Islam following the 1979 Islamic revolution in Iran. He soon became a prominent figure in promoting anti-Semitism among Islamic movements. But since he was known for his anti-Jewish writings as a Marxist too, he gained the support of many Arab circles beyond the Islamic movements. When he was put on trial and convicted in France for Holocaust denial several years ago, his popularity in Arab and Islamic countries increased. Even the Islamic official establishments in Saudi Arabia, Syria, Egypt, Jordan, and the Palestinian Authority (PA) supported him. For instance, in 1997, Al-Azhar, the official monthly of the highest Islamic religious authority in Egypt, published sympathetic articles supporting both Gauroudi and his ideas on Jews and Judaism.
    - Reuven Paz is a visiting fellow at The Washington Institute and a Counter-Terrorism expert

    Did even the fiercest enemies of United States policies in Vietnam ever open fire at random, with submachine guns, in Kennedy Airport or within the precincts of a New York nursery school? Has there ever been an incident in which some ferociously anti-communist group has gunned down Soviet tourists (denounced as "Stalinists")? No, and had such things occurred, those responsible would have been denounced as mad and bad. Not so when Israel is concerned.
    Anti-Zionism carried to such a pitch is in fact madness. Israeli Jews are killed because they proclaim themselves as such. Israel is to be destroyed because it is a Jewish State. Incidentally, the hostage-taking is never designed to improve the lot of the Palestinian masses, but rather to obtain the release of other killers, previously detained, for further feats. At Munich (5-6 September 1972) and Entebbe (4-5 July 1976), the aim was to secure the release of the Japanese terrorist who had survived the Lod massacre (30 May 1972).

    ...So, at Munich and Entebbe, the Jews as such were not the target? Fair enough; the victims were not the ordinary kind of Jew, citizens of States liable to persecute or protect them as circumstances or political convenience might dictate. Although weaponless, they represented something to be feared - Jews with a country of their own, Jews disinclined to accept a "democratic, secular State of Palestine" which they know would not hesitate a moment in reducing them to stateless ciphers. Dub a Jew "Zionist" and any crime can be committed against him with the clearest of consciences.

    This convenient confusion between anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism is nothing new. A similar cynicism, and similar sneers, were in order during the great Stalinist show-trials, conducted in Prague, among other places. The survivors have described how, arrested as Jews, they were addressed as "Zionists" so that the interrogators could feign to be anti-Zionist rather than anti-Jewish, while insulting their victims with taunts traditionally reserved for Jews, thus giving brutal bad manners a Marxist dimension hitherto lacking.

    ...Anti-Zionists, like traditional anti-Semites, see only the reverse side of the coin in Jewish history - the reaction not the act, the accident not the cause, the wastage not the process of creation. In this they display a lack of human understanding and also an inability to think dialectically - shortcomings from which they are the first to suffer. The way in which, to salve their consciences and in the interest of their policies, they picture the Jew as a sordid, guilty "Zionist" freezes their ability to think and feel. The freedom to exist which they refuse me prevents them from seeing the world as it is. Their reasoning is infantile, their information inadequate, their scale of values absurd in that one Palestinian equals 1,000 Kurds or 10,000 Balts or Armenians - and how many Nagas or Tibetans? (A scale in which an Afghan, incidentally, counts for nothing.) The anti-Zionist is not interested in the sufferings of these other peoples and takes no trouble to find out about them, or about many others in revolt against the imperialisms he is all too ready to praise. The free Jew, the Israeli, he is completely unable to understand.

    - Jacques Givet, "The Anti-Zionist Complex"

    Anti-Semitism is not dead. Although anti-Semitic incidents have declined and a multi-cultural acceptance has produced wider tolerance in many states including the US, a 2000-year-old virus has mutated, and lives on, often in a disguised form. And the existence and achievements of the Jewish state in an area of relative backwardness stimulate anti-Semitism and furnish a respectable cover.
    ...Hitler exploited anti-Semitism with deadly consequences for Jews and the world. But racial anti-Semitism has been tabooed after the Holocaust and the Nuremberg trials. Now the existence of the state of Israel permits anti-Semitism to assume a political form, safe from challenge as intolerance or racism. How many times one hears: "I like Jews but I can't stand Zionism," or "I have nothing against Jews, but I don't like Israel." The existence and achievements of Israel offer a visible and irresistible target for dormant anti-Semitic feelings aroused by a focus on Israel's mistakes and misdeeds, which are characteristic of every state including the US.

    - UN Watch, December 1997

    "This will be a war of extermination and a momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Mongolian massacres and the Crusades."
    - Azzam Pasha, Secretary General of the Arab League [Israel came into being on May 14, 1948. The five Arab armies of Egypt, Syria, Transjordan, Lebanon and Iraq immediately invaded the new microstate. Their combined intention, expressed as above, blurs the distinction with what had just happened in Europe 5 years prior.]

    "The Palestine tragedy is unequaled in history. The Zionist imperialistic plot against Palestine was most inhumane and base. World Judaism plans to take over most of the Arab countries to fulfill its so-called historical dream of a homeland between the Nile and Euphrates. The Imperialist Jewish plot is not aimed at Palestine only...-,,
    - Haj Amin el-Husseini, former Mufti of Jerusalem, Grand Mufti of Palestine, Hitler's Middle Eastern propaganda specialist during the WWII and head of the "Arab Republic of Palestine" in Baghdad, 1964. The similarity to 'Protocols' is probably not coincidental.

    Anti-Zionism is the hatred of the Jews (antisemitism) as expressed through (or masquerading as) hatred of, or bias against, the Jewish homeland, Israel.
    - The Society for Rational Peace

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