I know of businesses doing the sums to close down within the...

  1. 17,117 Posts.
    I know of businesses doing the sums to close down within the next few months.........why.......its all grinding to a halt.......interest rates, high petrol prices, credit crisis means.....there is no building activity, no one is hiring, and business owners are the most depressed in almost 20 years.......they were making changes and plans as soon as dudd became leader of the alp, they warned howard to hand over to costello, they predicted another recession if dudd came to power........
    the crisis started with the sub prime thing............and no one has attacked the banks, made them clean up.....or brought them to account...........
    now that sub prime thing has escalated to affect almost everything financially.........
    and the banks go on their merry way.......
    this fiasco will continue until we get a fed or state owned banks with low fixed rates and reliant on investors deposits only...
    I do not see any improvement in shares or housing until we get some sanity back into federal government, or the banks.
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