The Justice system in Qld is administered by dills.This grub...

  1. 77 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    The Justice system in Qld is administered by dills.
    This grub will face no consequences for killing 3 innocent people, so if our piss weak politicians won't change the Judiciary then let's change the composition of the Parliament that appointed these inept Magistrates whose decisions run contrary to the wishes of we the people.
    And who is imbecile who granted this piece of shit bail- Current Affair should camp outside the knucklehead's house and stick a microphone in its face and ask why?
    Every year we see innocent people killed by grubs like this and it continues until enough politicians have the guts to jail these grubs as a form of punishment, because punishment works!!!!
    God help Australia!
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