Don’t you like warm weather and vegetation? I have no doubt that...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 250
    Don’t you like warm weather and vegetation?

    I have no doubt that humanity has an impact on the earth’s climate, I would say that is a Given.

    However I don’t accept that mmCo2 is the boogeyman that are we are being told.

    Blind faith in what the MSM tells you has to be the most puerile position to take.

    Sure it’s not always wrong.
    But an individual has to consider, just what they are telling us and then consider the information that we have been fed.

    I’m definitely not a scientist and I cannot validate my views however I’ve been a person who has spent a working lifetime, relying on the weather to Turn a Dollar.

    The people we call Scientists are trying their best, I wouldn’t suggest otherwise but I’ve noticed just how manipulated the Scientific Process has become.

    The idea that Science is free of encumbrances, without political interference or pandering to vested interests is to believe in Faries at the Bottom of the Garden.

    The reality is that we have at best, 50 years of data that resembles (kinda) accurate ish collection of data.
    Most of the satellite data is maybe 20 years.

    The “doom & gloom” is a marketing ploy as the reality is that we don’t really understand the natural cycles of our planet.

    I’ve heard people tell me “but what if you’re wrong” since the 90’s and I reply.
    “What if you’re wrong”.

    The total Co2 number is “what”?
    Computer modelling says it will go higher.
    Horticulturists will tell you that lots of plants will be happy with the extra/increase in Co2.
    Coral Islands at or around the equator will tell you that Global Warming will sink them but those with healthy coral systems are growing in land mass.
    Crop production has been going up over the last few decades, there’s been less famine than ever before, less people have died of weather events in the last century than ever before and yet we have plenty of Bed Wetter’s crying out that the sky is falling.

    Net Zero is a propaganda statement that is total BS.

    Obviously I accept that you or some others won’t agree.
    That’s your prerogative and I can accept that you don’t see it as me.

    I rarely find anyone who thinks about this topic in the same way as me but I appreciate anyone who is willing to share their opinion.

    ps Most of my working life has been about Reading the Weather and trying to guess just how the weather effects my potential to earn a dollar.

    That doesn’t mean I’m some kinda guru but my work has Tuned me in to the weather/climate machinations, much more than a person working 9-5 who only looks at the weather to see if they may need an umbrella.

    Net Zero is a Load of Wank.
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