No more Muslim immigration - Must stop it Peter Dutton, page-36

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    To me, most of the problems we see and are talking about with Islam and Christians and Israel - have always had some kind of linking --

    ok, no theories, not even a hypotheses - but, some facts that seem to have a smell of linking ---------- things like

    There was no such thing as large organised war up until the neolithic. There's good evidence and solid research that says that organised warfare began around when agriculture began

    so about 10000 BC - generally accepted.

    The Middle East was a very different place then climatically.

    Only after that did the major religions form and then major religious wars - so, at first there was war, but not religious war, but several thousand years later --------

    but, in the guts of those two formations -- agriculture and warfare and then ME religions and religious warfare ----------- came ------------- climate change. In the Middle East - totally landscape changing climate change - turning green to desert.

    Whilst organised war didn't escalate steadily for all of that change period - when it did accelerate - then, warfare and religion intertwined, like snakes copulating.

    to me - I've always thought that it's probably not coincidence that the biggest trouble making religions come from a sandy bit - a very water stressed sandy bit we call the Middle East.

    And as mankind turned to organised warfare only when he got assets as he moved out of hunter gatherer life into agriculture and fixed locations - completely changing his behaviour from before, where mankind would move to avoid conflict - although there is evidence of violence - it's nothing to what began after agriculture.
    In short - mankind built wealth and assets --------

    and - that progressed to the catholic church and Islam building wealth - and we see times of wealth in Jewish history as well

    all slightly different, but, wealth, none the less ----------- and just like humans - when they got wealth - they got warfare

    coincidence? - I think not.

    Whilst attempting to avoid a discussion on the current climate change - I think for the Middle East and the ways of war and religious wars ------ I think climate change there which was in full swing not too long before the birth of any of these religions has probably left it's fingerprints on the crime scene - everywhere
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