No more Muslim immigration - Must stop it Peter Dutton, page-55

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    Allocate them visas..

    despite the Howls and dog whistles of the right

    then prosecute them for their crimes under Australian law, toss them in prison and throw away the key

    the problem being that it is politically expedient to deny visas and illegally detain criminal immigrants ( who have a minimal chance of being repatriated ) because it appeals to Australian voters

    just ask Peter Dutton

    he engineered the whole fiasco when he detained NZYQ

    you see, luckily in this country we have a legal system

    and that legal system, independent of Peter Dutton, the ALP or any other political individual or organization, judged that it was illegal to detain NZYQ when there was no chance of repatriation despite the alleged crimes committed in this country

    in other words, detained immigrant criminals, despite how much we despise them, or despite crimes alleged against them, are not subject to prosecution in our jurisdiction and therefore cannot be punished for said crimes under our law..

    Dutton could have done the politically unthinkable and issued NZYQ a visa and then we could have prosecuted him and punished him by law and NZYQ may still to this day, be legally imprisoned

    Peter Dutton illegally 'punishing' individuals for political purposes is the genesis of this whole mess

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