(I say mystery, cause it seems they have no idea on the reality...

  1. 17,117 Posts.
    (I say mystery, cause it seems they have no idea on the reality of our economy, and its a mystery to the economists. As usual they call the wrong shots)

    all the econo-mystery crowd who have been spouting rate increases ...are out with the fairies...
    finally big business is voicing its concerns that rate rises have hurt the whole economy...and moreso the non mining sector
    only the mining industry has been holding up the rest of the economy...the rest of the economy is dead, in depression...
    its far from rosy out there...and there is no recovery in sight...
    I made these predictions , estimated this is how it would play out, back in 07/08, and ever since then. All contrary to the feel good crowd, crowing about how we escaped the GFC.
    Glen Stevens as head of the RBA is really out of touch, but I guess he is propping up his mate Swan, to pretend swan and labor have done a good job.
    The real figures coming out from various govt depts will only get worse, and contrary to what main stream media is always sprouting.
    EXpect rate cuts, rather than rate rises, a repeat of Sep/Oct 2008...after they had raised rates non stop since Jan of that year...

    Those ordinary mum and dads out there have had their own concerns, hence the saving and non spending....they really are much smarter than the average bear (teddy bears not housing bears) or any economist, govnut spin etc....

    Some of you think the slow down in the housing market is due to prices about to crash....
    the slow down is due to people not buying or selling or moving, like they normally do when the economy is in good shape...
    they are staying put, and renovating, being conservative, while waiting for the economy to start moving again...
    they are preserving what they have, their assets, their homes...
    the crystal ball gazing, that all will rush out to sell, and then rent, is ridiculous...
    its only the stock market mentality crowd that propose such measures...
    most people, families have an aversion to renting, for a variety of reasons...
    it may be different for the gen y etc crowd, who still live with mum and dad, and yearning to live in the most expensive suburbs, on their lower incomes...
    the other young crowd have realised they can buy a very affordable home, in another suburb, and get on with their lives...
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