TLS 0.76% $3.98 telstra group limited

no nbn, page-4

  1. daf
    736 Posts.
    Yes good pick up Rob,
    TLS will continue to spend on NextG and take this into China (hopefully).
    Why spend $5b here (fixed network) on a very sparce population who take it for granted and whinge and whine with the Gov't more of a hinderence than ally.
    China will take the new technology with open arms and TLS already have a Hong Kong presence.

    You just have to love the way that the initiator (TLS) of the NBN gets shafted. If TLS did not push in the ealry days it would not have even be mentioned in the last election.

    What is it with all COMMS Ministers? First Coonan and then Conroy, all C's and with not one brain cell between them.
    I had great expectations with Conroy but he has not become the Goose man. Every time I see him in the media, geez, talk about the Aus version of George W Bush......

    Time for TLS to move it's stash of cash into more meaningful investments outside of Telco and quite probably Aus.

    Plenty of bargains in the world at the moment.
    Take $5-7B free cash, make some astute investments, stir and wait for a few years. BINGO 5-10 times returns.

    Great for SMSF with long term horizons.

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Mkt cap ! $45.98B
Open High Low Value Volume
$3.98 $4.00 $3.96 $67.02M 16.84M

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19 429744 $3.97

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Price($) Vol. No.
$3.99 236666 18
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Last trade - 16.10pm 28/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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