No one subsidises private cars. Can we stop funding private schools?, page-65

  1. 27,591 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 83
    Private schools don't save taxpayers' dollars
    Other long-held beliefs have become casualties of changing circumstances; the belief that fundingcompeting sectors saves public money has demonstrably passed its use-by date. The government’s MySchool funding data shows that we now have, at the very least, two equivalently-funded school systems –with one of them substantially advantaged by additional and unregulated private funding, while enjoyinga lesser set of rules and obligations. It doesn’t work: the school playing field is very uneven and schoolequity and achievement is nowhere near where it should be. Amidst all the recurring debates aboutschools, we need to seriously rethink what we have created.

    Anyone can call me whatever they like, I just don't care, let the spivs have a go, I dare them.

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