no point

  1. 1,254 Posts.
    I never really get to involved in poltics and it hasnt really ever concerned me before but WOW. How bad is this getting. Let me put it to you like this and correct me if im wrong but this is my understanding of the situation.

    Kevin Rudd imposes a tax on the miners to help people with super and small business. Now small business have to pay more super but their tax is cut so fairly balanced. The mining shares will be much weaker now and the majorits of super funds hold mining shares so people will lose wealth in their super anyway?
    Mining was the one thing that kept australia going out of recession and is our major income earner but we tax it so heavily? I dont see other contries doing this with their major exports?

    Is there still a way this will not pass? i would like to know peoples thoughts and if this will at all be voted down. I am still coming to terms with how badly this country has been run since kevin rudd has come into power and never again will i take for granted john howard or a libral government!!
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