i traded last night. there was a speculative,largely hedge fund,...

  1. 2,047 Posts.
    i traded last night. there was a speculative,largely hedge fund, attack on spain last night. spanish,portugal, cdo spreads etc, or whatever there called, all were attacked on imagined fears that spain may have troubles. spanish prime minister came out and said it was all nonsense but still the markets kept crashing. spain and all these nations in europe have had these problems for years, the story is nothing new.
    markets are just giving excuses to sell off a bit here. the upward bull market should, i think, continue after this brief selloff which shouldnt last long.
    markets are trying to guess the next cause of a crash, they never guess it right, so we know that europe and china are out of the equation.markets are calling for a china crash and a europe default, so going on history, that the markets are always wrong, the problem must be going to come from somewhere else.
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