no silver bullet for petrol says rudd, page-23

  1. 2,907 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 120
    Mr Dudds election campaign was full of spin and promises that were out of his govts control.
    But it sucked enough voters in for his party to win the election,so I have no sympathy for those people now struggling that voted for his party.
    They get what they voted for.
    What a stupid statement in the first place about bringing petrol prices down and yet gullible voters believed him.
    A watchdog on petrol prices and they are still watching,ie,watching the price go up.
    And now he is saying that petrol and inflation are problems due to the world situation,he obviously didnt say this before the election.
    They will form committees,monitor food prices and keep an eye on lots of things happening ,but will not have the savvy to do anything about it.
    Dudds lack of understanding on health matters was made obvious with the medicare cut off point being raised.
    Massive numbers to leave private health,putting more pressure on the public system.
    the extra money being given to public will be no where near enough as australia wide,there has been long waiting lists for ages.
    The good times for the last 10 years are over and things will get worse.
    And the union dominance hasn't reared its ugly head just yet,so one can imagine how bad things are going to get.
    Voters got conned but only have themselves to blame.
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