NO such thing as Climate Change?, page-1385

  1. 15,469 Posts.
    Wow have you gone off on a tangent that is nowhere anywhere near what Iwonder and I have been discussing. But I guess it felt good for you.

    So I see where your mind is and what it is you are claiming. You are claiming that CO2 absorption and energy transfer to the internal portion of the molecule being the vibrational mode is more prolific that the collisional component.

    Well simply I disagree.
    Yes photons travel at C. So what. All photons do. Yes CO2 will do an amazing job of absorbing energy near the top of the troposphere when the collisional process is far far less than the surface. Yes it fantastic at shunting energy away from the surface. But you already know that.

    Your rant about wind is a obfuscation on molecular motion being at 10Klm per hour. What rubbish.

    our discussion is on the surface and the ability of CO2 to back radiate at the surface. Not the ABILITY TO HEAT up other molecules. THAT IS NOT BACK RADIATION. That is conduction. Are you moving the goal post now on the meaning of back radiation.

    So some revision for you again regarding thermal radiation at the surface and your greenhouse affect..

    CO2 is not emitting photons at the SURFACE. It is colliding with other molecules transferring all the vibrational energy it acquired to them and also recieving that energy from the following collisions. What minimal amount it did absorb from thermal radiation is being passed over to other molecules via collision. THAT IS NOT BACK RADIATION. it is thermalization

    Lets continue
    At the surface on Earth majority of the emissions are at a wavelength that Co2 just cannot absorb. There is indeed a small portion of the most efficient absorption band of CO2 at 15um wavelengths that is emitted that can be absorbed. But at the SURFACE it rarely gets time to do that due to the CONTINUOUS collisional process. The vibrational mode of CO2 is already excited from the collisions. It is saturated in excitement. It could take on more possibly but the shear volume of energy thermalized from these collisions swamps what little energy it can absorb from IR.

    As what I said in paragraph above. CO2 is not emitting photons at the SURFACE. It is colliding with other molecules transferring all the vibrational energy it acquired from these collisions. What minimal amount it did absorb from thermal radiation when a photon seized the opportunity when the CO2 molecule was in a lower energy state is being passed on to other molecules via collision immediately after. THAT IS NOT BACK RADIATION. it is thermalization

    At the surface of Earth for the bending mode it is a very minute amount of the 15um it can absorb. It really struggles to emit it due to constant collisions that absorb that vibrational energy (that is not back radiation). The CO2 molecule does not mystically enter into a 3 mode of vibration that alarmist are led to believe. It is a minute portion of 1 mode The 15um band. The other modes at the surface the minutia is even less. CO2 emissions at the surface are miniscule it really is not worth considering.

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