yes its all about learning not to be wasteful. plastics, energy,...

  1. 51,232 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 652
    yes its all about learning not to be wasteful. plastics, energy, clothing (so throw away and mostly made of plastics) all manner of "disposable" consumer goods have been made so widely available and competitive in price that we no longer value what we buy. our money doesn't even hold as much value as it once did. so we waste our plastic money.....

    its easy to switch off lights when leaving a room, turning off appliances when they aren't in use, using low wattage lights and appliances, high efficiency with low consumption. I've recommended adopting this mindset several times..... but our interlocutors don't seem to get excited about lowering their electricity consumption.

    I guess wasting stuff makes us feel more wealthy? cool.png
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