''Now you are pretending you have been frugal your whole life''...

  1. 86,572 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    ''Now you are pretending you have been frugal your whole life''

    I have not.

    I have not participated in useless consumerism for a long long time. And travel is probably the main reason why I've seen the gathering of rubbish as a huge anchor in life.

    My first experience which really drove home the lesson (and I've heard the same from many people) - was when I first packed up and travelled for a long period -

    I thought I might be gone for maybe a year, so I put possessions in a storage place. Not big households full of stuff, just stuff I thought that I would always have a use for and didn't want to replace later.

    Well, about ??? don't know - maybe almost a decade later - I went and retrieved the stuff - only to find that I didn't want or need 90% of it anyway and that the years of paying rental space was a total waste of money.

    Since then, I've not gathered such things. I did, over the years purchase tools for projects etc - but I shy away from that whenever I can now as well.

    As far as ornament - pffffffffft - zip. Total zip. Haven't even thought about it for years.

    There are some anchors in life that hold people from doing many things they want to do - some, you can't escape - family etc. in some cases. But, we very often wilfully build anchors that hold us back from living - property is a big one. Possessions are as big.
    At least with property - you can move away and rent it. Possessions are a very different kettle of fish - and in most cases - they are just expensive anchors - all of which end up in a dump or a charity shop or a bric a brac sooner or later
    when you leave - you take nothing - same way as you came in.
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