No2mE, page-264

  1. 41,275 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 48
    Note to me....
    A NBD_"CukiTom_Salad" for a hot Australia day...

    A variation on an 'euro' fav....

    If you dont have a "weed" patch..pop down to your local shop.
    1.A many small cucumbers as you like,,little ones without many seeds
    2.Do not!!! spare the garlic,,4 to 8 clovers
      diced very very fine,,(use minced from jar if none fresh
    3.peal cucumbers(skin can be bitter)
    4.Slice to about 1mm
    5.Add as much salt as you like,,do not be frugal,,sweat looses heaps.
    6.add as much pepper as you like,,(one uses about 1/2 a teaspoon (bit bowl
    7.Chop,real fine,,(celeriac leaves,,or celery ( but not to many as they overpower,,,
    8.Parsley,,as much as you like,,chop fine.
    9.A few mint leaves,,chop fine...
    10.fine chop no more than 1 tomato
    Put in bowl,,mix,,,,
    Now add as much sour cream,,as in heaps,,,5 to 10 table spoons,
    Add at least 1 or more lemons worht of juice...or more,,,
    What you want is all the components,,almost swimming.


    Place in fridge,,,even overnight,,,the cucumbers will
    "pickle and not tend to re-peat"...

    Have with your fav main meat dish,,,great with snaggs in
    a bun....
    and the left over if that happens,,,the creamy liquid is
    great drizzled on sunny side up eggs the next day

    All the best,,Enjoy the weekend.

    PS~~~ Some chopped chives also,,depending on your 'onion tolerance
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