Noah and his Ark, page-974

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    4) The wotsupian view where there is only one THE God with His Spirit not separate but just part of Him, used for various interactions and bestowings as needed and His son Jesus who is a God and also a man but not an Archangel, and also not THE God.

    Your pretty much, very close, got what wotsup says the Bible tells him, not wotsup opinion as he was forced to change many of his, BECAUSE the Bible says so AND the OT MUST interpret the NT = NO if BUTS.

    Basics of what the Bible tells us of Jesus;
    Titus 1:2 - In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began;
    Acts 15:18 - Known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world.
    Rev 13:8 Jesus was slain from the foundation of the world.

    All these are clearly in the mind and plan of God, known as his inner Word, creation before being expressed and is also known as Glory in the Bible.
    John ch 17 tells us and from Jesus's own words, this Glory was held by God "before" the world "existed" with "HIM" -->(Almighty God).
    The Word of God is known, referred to as "The Word" --> Luke 8:13, just for one as there are many more.

    Eph 3:9 - And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things.
    Gal 4:4 - But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth (Baptism timing) his Son, made of a woman, made under the law,

    Jesus was in the mind and plans of God, it was said, God "will be" a Father to him and Jesus "will be" a son to him.
    This is ALL in future context and zero in these verses to even think, never mind saying it, that he literally already existed in any way shape or form. (Deu 18:18 and 2 Sam 7:12-14).
    God announced, this is my son, we then see reference to an only begotten son and now in the bosom, exalted to a begotten God = progression of stages, phases.
    Born literally at Mary a Man, body, soul and Spirit and he then received at Baptism, Spirit/Word Holy without measure to bring The Word - The Words of eternal life of the Almighty God and Fathers as per the Titus 1:2 plan into the world.

    Hence Jesus exalted and given a name above all names = The Word of God = represents, means the role he performed, the "carrier" of the word "of" God = there is no way possible you can be what you carry.
    Jesus is neither The Word or The Word of God = hence why the Bible and not wotsup says, no man knows this name = what it

    Does it matter, the Bible just in the two following verses, suggest, yes it does;
    John 17:3 -
    This now is the eternal life, that they should know you, the only true God, and whom you have sent, Jesus Christ.
    John 4:24 - Spirit the God is and those worshiping him in Spirit and truth must worship.
    (God's word IS Spirit, so clearly one must come with the truth of His word in mind or not at all).

    The Almighty God and Fathers key basic makeup;
    1. Spirit the Holy from which all things, various gifts and power etc, etc comes from.
    2. He is "the Word".
    3. He is Light 1 John 1:5 and His Word IS Light Psa 119:105, Father of lights James 1:17 and the True Light in John 1:9.

    What do most do with the above 3;
    1. Remove his Spirit and "some" create another god the holy spirit out of it and the JW's place in on a shelf or something?
    And naturally as God is a Spirit, they have to replace his with another as they have removed His, worshiping another spirit.
    2. They remove "the Word" from him and give to another.
    3. They and oddly enough, considering just those verse ref above, remove the True light from him and say, this light was only about to come into the world, with Jesus.
    As his (Gods) Word is The Light, they are trying to tell US, that Moses and Co had none of this light = The Word of God.
    And oddly enough as well, Jesus says at least 4 times just in John, he speaks the God and Father words and also says, "I am come "a" light into the world" John 12:46 = Because he received the God and Fathers words, became the torch, batten carrier, so to speak.
    So what is left of the Key basics of God = ZERO and replaced by a "strange" spirit.
    All power is in and from the Holy Spirit = "they" have removed or suggesting the Holy Spirit is more powerful than The Almighty God and Father.

    What have they done to Jesus = Created a pre-existing Jesus, saying he was the creator, or master worker according to the JW'S and this is despite "numerous" OT verses showing that God alone had the hands on role, spoke creation into being.
    At the very most, God had some onlookers after the heavens and hosts were created, no more and no less, around when He created.
    They make Jesus "the word" and give Him the true light John 1:9 = They and no question about it, have created another Jesus.
    Jesus now exalted and named - The Word of God.
    We are to come to God in Jesus's name = The Word of God and NOT bits and pieces of it and manipulated it to what we want or we think.
    Scripture Must interpret scripture.

    So based on the two verses alone above, there are serious issues for following and swallowing these lies.

    Not surprising Christianity has always been fertile ground for disagreement and violence between those professing to follow the same faith,

    No it is not, because God says, "if" they fall away from the truth, the basics of who He and Jesus are, he will do the following and no if buts about it;
    2 Thes 2:11 -
    And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

    2 Thes 2:7 - For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.

    So quite clearly, "we" are warned, that this was happening well before this passage was even written.
    This would most certainly explain these disagreements and not to mention, why people in general, will NOT even consider questioning the view they hold as they could not even contemplate the thought, that they could be following, believing in lies.
    No way of knowing unless something prompts them, to take a serious look for themselves.

    Now if we accept as the Bible says, which I do = there is ONE Spirit of Truth = One interpretation on these basics here and we have this ONE Spirit of truth now in the world to lead and guide us = Should mean it's impossible for those "of" God, to have differing views as God and Jesus are NOT divided.

    For anyone to disagree with this latter point here, IS to, or equivalent to trashing the truth of the Bible.
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