noah didnt fiddle with greenhouse gases, page-14

  1. 814 Posts.
    Noah and the "Flood Tablet"

    The Flood Tablet, relating part of the Epic of Gilgamesh

    Neo-Assyrian, 7th century BC
    From Nineveh, northern Iraq

    The most famous cuneiform tablet from Mesopotamia(Iraq)

    The Assyrian King Ashurbanipal (reigned 669-631 BC) collected a library of thousands of cuneiform tablets in his palace at Nineveh. They recorded myths, legends and scientific information. Among them was the story of the adventures of Gilgamesh, a legendary ruler of Uruk, and his search for immortality. The Epic of Gilgamesh is a huge work, the longest literary work in Akkadian (the language of Babylonia and Assyria). It was widely known, with versions also found at Hattusas, capital of the Hittites, and Megiddo in the Levant.

    This, the eleventh tablet of the epic, describes the meeting of Gilgamesh with Utnapishtim. Like Noah in the Hebrew Bible, Utnapishtim had been forewarned of a plan by the gods to send a great flood. He built a boat and loaded it with everything he could find. Utnapishtim survived the flood for six days while mankind was destroyed, before landing on a mountain called Nimush. He released a dove and a swallow but they did not find dry land to rest on, and returned. Finally a raven that he released did not return, showing that the waters must have receded.

    This Assyrian version of the Old Testament flood story was identified in 1872 by George Smith, an assistant in The British Museum. On reading the text he

    ... jumped up and rushed about the room in a great state of excitement, and, to the astonishment of those present, began to undress himself.'

    Length: 15.24 cm
    Width: 13.33 cm
    Thickness: 3.17 cm

    Excavated by A.H. Layard

    S. Dalley, Myths from Mesopotamia: Creation, The Flood, Gilgamesh and others (Oxford University Press, 1991)

    T.C. Mitchell, The Bible in the British Museum: interpreting the evidence (London, The British Museum Press, 1988), p. 70, no. 33


    The Sumerian culture, the first civilization to invent writing as a complete written language, recorded stories that have been preserved through the modern day biblical passages found in the Old and New testament. All of which speak of a time when man lived among their living gods here on earth. The Sumerians had 7 sacred tablets that explained our creation. These stories preserved in stone, are now told to us in the form of the english version, "7 days of creation".

    They also had a story of a great flood, and how one of the Gods choose to give a certain Sumerian man knowledge on how to build a boat that could withstand the great flood. All the stories in the bible are just translated versions of the original Sumerian Texts that we still have today preserved in stone, unchanged.

    The Sumerians tell us that their Gods, taught them all the amazing knowledge that the Sumerian Culture possessed, 6,000 years ago. They called their Gods, "anunnaki" which is translated to mean "those who from heaven to earth came"..

    They have left us artifacts and stone tablet pictures that say the anunnaki came from another planet within our own solar system. They call this planet "Nibiru" which is where the anunnaki come from, according to the Sumerian translations. The Sumerians say that the anunnaki live on Nibiru, which has a 3,600 year orbit around our sun. All the other information they state including the color of the outer planets, and even the distance between the planets, has been proven to be accurate. We sent space probes out in the 70's that took the first pictures in color, which confirmed the Sumerian descriptions.

    The Sumerians were the first to invent over 100 of the first's for a modern culture. All academic references to the origins of writing, math, science, medicine, astronomy, lead to the Sumerian Culture and their amazing artifacts. We still use their math, medicine, science, time, music, astronomy, and many other fields, even to this day.

    The term "Planet X" refers to the search for another planet beyond Pluto through mainstream scientific efforts. The space probes sent out by NASA, mainly Voyager, and Pioneer, detected perturbations in the outer planets which suggested that there is still another planet, or heavenly body beyond Pluto that is affecting the orbits of the outer planets. Some of the latest public knowledge about this research done by NASA was conducted by Dr. Robert Harrington, who was the lead astronomer at NASA's Naval Observatory in Washington. (now deceased)

    The Planet X searched for by astronomers during the last two or three decades is the planet that was believed to be affecting the orbit of Neptune - once the effects of Uranus on Neptune had been taken into account. Lowell and several other astronomers made extensive searches and calculations in the region of sky that they had calculated as the position for the missing planet.

    Then, Sept 30, 1846 --- one week after the discovery of Neptune, Le Verrier declared that there may be still another unknown planet out there. On October 10, Neptune's large moon Triton was discovered, which yielded an easy way to accurately determine the mass of Neptune, which turned out to be 2% larger than expected from the perturbations upon Uranus. Finally, astronomer Tombaugh found Pluto in 1930 - albeit six degrees away from the calculated point of their search for another planet beyond Neptune at that time.

    It was quickly realized that Pluto was too small to have the supposed gravitational effect on Neptune, and so the search went on beyond Pluto, for yet one more missing planet, that we know call Planet X.

    Planet X Inbound & Global Warming

    The evidence of Planet X and its IMMINENT PASSAGE, plus its entourage's continuing current passages FROM THE SOUTHERLY DIRECTION, and impacts on the sun are the main cause of:

    1. The UNPRECEDENTED SOLAR ACTIVITY we are experiencing now in the middle of what should be the minimum part of the solar cycle. This is primarily due to the electromagnetic interaction with these objects.

    2. So-called global warming is really climate change tied primarily to the Suns solar cycles. Mars is experiencing it now too, without SUV's being driven there.

    3. MAJOR CATASTROPHIC EARTH CHANGES is the MOST SIGNIFICANT ISSUE. This has occurred accompanying previous passages and approaches of Planet X, Wormwood or Nibiru identified the world over through various flood stories, worldwide ecological evidence, and archaeological artifacts and detailed records from ancient civilizations. And during it's current approach major earth changes have already begun. The December 26th '04 quake and tsunami killed tens of millions of people, which is not being disclosed by the major media. Please rent the movie Wag the Dog to know how this is done. A population density map of the shorelines effected show over 120 million people were directly in the path of the tsunami. Helicopter flyovers show devastation greater than any war or hurricane according to eye witnesses, and the destruction goes inland for miles.
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