nofame barrets billions

  1. 6,204 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 22
    On Lateline last night some ABC journo ????Barrett? called Joe Hockey a liar.
    Stated Joe's figures of a once coalition surplus of $71 billion surplus ( gross ) was really $31 net surplus and Labour's $400 billion debt ( gross ) was actually $185 billion net debt.
    HELLO !!!! What ever way you state the figures its still a huge amount of waste , a point he evaded . Its a wonder he didn't relate it in American dollars to narrow the gap . What flim flam trickery these Labourites stoop to.

    and that ??? Americe whatever rolls her eyes upward...yep shame on you Joe....

    So If you say you earn $50,000 a year He'll call you a liar
    as he says you have only earned $38,000 a year net....

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