Non Binary People's Day ..., page-123

  1. 18,820 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 421
    So you think rapists murderers etc have no control over what they do if you dont believe in free will?

    You are saying they cant control what they do?

    Much like you would probably say a gay person cant control that they are gay?

    If thats the case you would think its fair the legal system is soft on rapists paedophiles murderers etc as its not a choice they made, they couldnt help it its in their wiring...dont you have empathy ?

    Im not saying harm to their partners but harm to society.

    Consider if i went for a job at the abc i would be discriminated against getting employed if i was up against a candidate who identifies as LGBQ, this doesn't cause me physical harm but possibly financial harm.
    The same harm that someone who is discriminated against feels on many levels.

    If its inconclusive that gay people are paid less than non gay then why give them a leg up ?
    Shouldnt this be saved for people in lower socio economic groups?

    I would be considered a homophobe i guess (depends who you ask) as i think gay marriage is wrong as it should have another name and that you shouldn't get extra benefits because of your sexual orientation

    Most cultures for the last 200,000 years have been anti gay ...from our aboriginals to africa...why were they for so long is the question?
    Last edited by blueballs: 18/07/22
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